
i'd like to know if someone had a chance to check at the issue I reported.

thanks and happy new year !

On 12/21/2010 10:58 AM, Eloi Gaudry wrote:

when launching a parallel computation on 128 nodes using openib and the "-mca btl_openib_receive_queues P,65536,256,192,128" option, i observe a rather large memory consumption (2GB: 65336*256*128) on the process with rank 0 (only).

this memory seems to be initialized and in use as the resident memory indicator matches the virtual one. at the time of observation, a call to MPI_Init has been done, but no communication (user side) has been done.

i'd like to know why the other processes doesn't behave the same:
- other processes located on the same nodes don't use that amount of memory
- all others processes (i.e. located on any other nodes) neither

i'm using OpenMPI-1.4.2, built with gcc-4.3.4 and '--enable-cxx-exceptions --with-pic --with-threads=posix' options. the cluster is based on eight-core nodes using mellanox hca.

thanks for your help,

Eloi Gaudry
Senior Product Development Engineer

Free Field Technologies
Company Website: http://www.fft.be
Direct Phone Number: +32 10 495 147

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