swagat mishra wrote:
> hello everyone,
> i have a network of systems connected over lan with each computer
> running ubuntu. openmpi 1.4.x is installed on 1 machine and the
> installation is mounted on other nodes through Networking File
> System(NFS). the source program and compiled file(a.out) are present in
> the mounted directory
> i run my programs by the following command:
> /opt/project/bin/mpirun -np 4 --prefix  /opt/project/ --hostfile
> hostfile a.out
> i have not set LD_LIBRARY_PATH but as i use --prefix mpirun works
> successfully
> however as per the open mpi debugging faq:
> http://www.open-mpi.org/faq/?category=debugging
> when i run
> /opt/project/bin/mpirun -np 4 --prefix  /opt/project/ --hostfile
> hostfile -x DISPLAY= xterm -e gdb a.out
> 4 xterm windows are opened with gdb running as expected. however when i
> give the command start to gdb in the windows corresponding to remote
> nodes, i get the error:
> libmpi.so.0 not found: no such file/directory
> as mentioned other mpi jobs run fine with mpirun
> when i execute
> /opt/project/bin/mpirun -np 4 --prefix  /opt/project/ -x
> DISPLAY= xterm -e gdb a.out ,the debugging continues succesfully
> please help

You need to set LD_LIBRARY_PATH to include the path to the OpenMPI
libraries. The --prefix option works for OpenMPI only; it has no effect
on other programs. You also need to make sure that the LD_LIBRARY_PATH
variable is correctly passed along to the other OpenMPI programs. For
processes on other hosts, this is usually done by editing your shell's
rc file for non-interactive logins (.bash_profile for bash).


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