
Those binaries were built for use with Visual Studio 2008, not MinGW. I don't know if OpenMPI has been built with MinGW before, maybe someone on the list knows.


On 27/02/2011 4:42 AM, Manoj Vaghela wrote:
Hi All,

I have downloaded the latest version OpenMPI binaries for Windows and
installed on the machine with all environment variables as set by the
binary. From MSYS window, when I just type command mpic++, it gives
the following error:
The Open MPI wrapper compiler was unable to find the specified compiler
cl.exe in your PATH.

Note that this compiler was either specified at configure time or in
one of several possible environment variables.

I checked system's environment variables, PATH etc, which looks fine.

To run a basic MPI code, this is the first step. Can you tell me how
can I sort this problem?

Thank you.

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