Gustavo Correa wrote:

Dear OpenMPI Pros

Is there an MCA parameter that would do the same as the mpiexec switch 
I.e., something that I could set up not in the mpiexec command line,
but for the whole cluster, or for an user, etc.

In the past I used '-mca mpi mpi_paffinity_alone=1'.
But that was before '-bind-to-core' came along.
However, my recollection of some recent discussions here in the list
is that the latter would not do the same as '-bind-to-core',
and that the recommendation was to use '-bind-to-core' in the mpiexec command 

A little awkward, but how about

         --bycore                rmaps_base_schedule_policy  core
         --bysocket              rmaps_base_schedule_policy  socket
         --bind-to-core          orte_process_binding        core
         --bind-to-socket        orte_process_binding        socket
         --bind-to-none          orte_process_binding        none

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