On Mar 22, 2011, at 6:02 AM, Dave Love wrote:

> Ralph Castain <r...@open-mpi.org> writes:
>>> Should rshd be mentioned in the release notes?
>> Just starting the discussion on the best solution going forward. I'd
>> rather not have to tell SGE users to add this to their cmd line. :-(
> Sure.  I just thought a new component would normally be mentioned in the
> notes.

You mean the rshd component? Probably should have been, but slipped thru the 
cracks. All that component does is allow the direct rsh/ssh launch of MPI apps 
instead of using the OMPI daemon. Only a few special systems use it because 
there is no way to know that a process died (since no daemon is monitoring it), 
and thus no way to cleanup if something goes wrong.

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