On 3/30/2011 10:08 AM, Eugene Loh wrote:
Michele Marena wrote:
I've launched my app with mpiP both when two processes are on
different node and when two processes are on the same node.

The process 0 is the manager (gathers the results only), processes 1
and 2 are workers (compute).

This is the case processes 1 and 2 are on different nodes (runs in 162s).
@--- MPI Time (seconds)
Task AppTime MPITime MPI%
0 162 162 99.99
1 162 30.2 18.66
2 162 14.7 9.04
* 486 207 42.56

The case when processes 1 and 2 are on the same node (runs in 260s).
@--- MPI Time (seconds)
Task AppTime MPITime MPI%
0 260 260 99.99
1 260 39.7 15.29
2 260 26.4 10.17
* 779 326 41.82

I think there's a contention problem on the memory bus.
Right. Process 0 spends all its time in MPI, presumably waiting on
workers. The workers spend about the same amount of time on MPI
regardless of whether they're placed together or not. The big difference
is that the workers are much slower in non-MPI tasks when they're
located on the same node. The issue has little to do with MPI. The
workers are hogging local resources and work faster when placed on
different nodes.
However, the message size is 4096 * sizeof(double). Maybe I are wrong
in this point. Is the message size too huge for shared memory?
No. That's not very large at all.

Not even large enough to expect the non-temporal storage issue about cache eviction to arise.

Tim Prince

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