On 19 Jul 9:02AM, Alexander Beck-Ratzka wrote:
   integer ierr, i, myrank, BUFSIZE, thefile, intsize
   parameter (BUFSIZE=100)
   integer buf(BUFSIZE)

   do i=0,BUFSIZE
      buf(i) = myrank*BUFSIZE + i
      print*, 'i =', i, 'myrank =', myrank, 'buf(i)=',buf(i)
   end do
When I am reading the data in again and print them out, I always have:


If you compile your code with -check bounds and run, you'll get an error pointing out that buf(0) is an illegal access; in Fortran arrays start at 1.

        - Jonathan
Jonathan Dursi | SciNet, Compute/Calcul Canada

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