Hi Fabien,

The GCC build under MinGW is not supported in Open MPI 1.4.3. The initial support is now in trunk, but needs more test.

Actually, you may also try building 1.4.3 with Visual Studio Express with Fortran bindings for gfortran. Just configure the solution for Visual Studio, and specify the fortran compiler full path and name in variable CMAKE_Fortran_COMPILER.

Please try it out. It worked for me before.


On 2011-08-30 11:45 PM, Fabien wrote:


I'm trying to compile Open-MPI 1.4.3 using {MinGW;CMake} on a Vista-32-Bits. I'm interested in running in parallel _a fortran program_ (compiled with C:\MINGW\bin\gfortran.exe )

I'm aware that a binary package has been released but -- unfortunately -- it has been configured with the Intel compiler (ifort).

So, I configured and generated solution with MinGW makefiles and Native compilers.

Then compiling the generated solutions with /mingw32-make/ leads to the following errors :

1/ /config.h/ is requested in /...openmpi-1.4.3\opal\event/ but not found.

ðSolved by adding /config.h/ from /...openmpi-1.4.3\opal\event\WIN32-Code/

2/ Then : /error: redefinition of `struct timezone' ... error: conflicting types for 'gettimeofday' ... error: conflicting types for 'gettimeofday'/

ðAny idea would be more than welcome.

I'm aware that it has been addressed before in http://www.open-mpi.org/community/lists/users/2009/06/9622.php.

3/ I also tried to try /mingw32-gcc/g++/gfortran.exe/ compilers. Without success.

4/ I also tried with Visual Studio 2010 without success. I only have Visual Studio C++ Express...

ðWill I be able to build /mpif90/mpif77/orterun/mpirun/ with these Visual Studio makefiles coupled with MinGW compilers?

Thanks for your attention & Best regards,

Fabien Decung

Configurations & Tools :

-Open-MPI : 1.4.3

-MinGW : latest stable (08/2011), using GCC 4.5.2 & /C:\MINGW\bin/ has correctly been updated in /PATH/.

-CMake : 2.8.3


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