The two are synonyms for each other - they resolve to the identical variable, 
so there isn't anything different about them.

Not sure what the issue might be, but I would check for a typo - we don't check 
that mca params are spelled correctly, nor do we check for params that don't 
exist (e.g., because you spelled it wrong).

On Sep 12, 2011, at 3:03 PM, Blosch, Edwin L wrote:

> I have a hello world program that runs without prompting for password with 
> plm_rsh_agent but not with orte_rsh_agent, I mean it runs but only after 
> prompting for a password:
> <path>/bin/mpirun --machinefile mpihosts.dat -np 16 -mca plm_rsh_agent 
> /usr/bin/rsh ./test_setup
> Hello from process            2
> Hello from process            5
> Hello from process           12
> Hello from process            6
> Hello from process            0
> Hello from process            4
> Hello from process            3
> Hello from process            7
> Hello from process           14
> Hello from process            8
> Hello from process            1
> Hello from process            9
> Hello from process     &n bsp;     10
> Hello from process           11
> Hello from process           13
> Hello from process           15
> <path>bin/mpirun --machinefile mpihosts.dat -np 16 -mca orte_rsh_agent 
> /usr/bin/rsh./test_setup
> bloscel@f8312's password:        
> I didn’t notice anything about this in the FAQ except that orte_rsh_agent is 
> newer than plm_rsh_agent.  Did I miss some critical piece of information?  
> Why do these options behave differently?
> Thanks
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