Le 28/09/2011 23:02, Blosch, Edwin L a écrit :
> Jeff,  
> I've tried it now adding --without-libnuma.  Actually that did NOT fix the 
> problem, so I can send you the full output from configure if you want, to 
> understand why this "hwloc" function is trying to use a function which 
> appears to be unavailable.

This function is likely available... in the dynamic version of libnuma
(that's why configure is happy), but make is probably trying to link
with the static version which isn't available on your machine. That's my
guess, at least.

> I don't understand about make V=1. What tree? Somewhere in the OpenMPI build, 
> or in the application compilation itself? Is "V=1" something in the OpenMPI 
> makefile structure?

Instead of doing
  ./configure ...
  ./configure <same options>
  make V=1

It will make the output more verbose. Once you get the failure, please
send the last 15 lines or so. We will look at these verbose lines to
understand how things are being compiled (which linker flags, which
libraries, ...)


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