
I get this style of errors when trying to link against libmpid.lib
(compiled with instructions from README.Windows part 1 cmake):

mylib.lib(myfile.obj): : error LNK2001: unresolved external symbol

I set BUILD_SHARED_LIBS to false, so I generate static libs. I've also
checked that the /MDd is set and indeed libmpid.lib are built against the
DLL version of the C++ runtime when I open the solution in vs2010.

I myself link my application against the /MDd as well.

I don't know why it's looking for __impl__MPI_Address  (__impl__ is a prefix
related to DLLs somehow).

I gather this MPI_Address() function resides in libmpi.lib and libmpid.lib

PS: I didn't have these link errors when I built against the prebuilt win
libraries from the website, what are the CMAke flags for those?



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