
There is no easy solution. But you can try to use WANT_EXE_DEBUG_POSTFIX option in CMake GUI. Enabling this option will generate different executable.library names for debug and release build. For example, mpic++d.exe for debug and mpic++.exe for release.

For you case, just build both debug and release version of Open MPI 1.5.4, and install them into the same path, you will get two sets of executables/libraries (with "d" postfix for debug version) and mpic++ config files (mpic++d-wrapper-data.txt for debug version). Then just append your own debug/release compile options in the config files, and build with boost mpi as you need.

Hope this helps.


On 2011-11-18 9:44 PM, MM wrote:


Compiling boost mpi library uses mpic++ to get the compile flags to pass to cl.exe and link libs to pass to the linker.

In my case:

>>> mpic++ -showme:compile

/I"C:\Program Files\openmpi\bin/../include" /TP /EHsc */MD*

>>> mpic++ -showme:link

/link /LIBPATH:"C:\Program Files\openmpi\bin/../lib" *libmpi_cxx.lib libmpi.lib libopen-pal.lib libopen-rte.lib advapi32.lib Ws2_32.lib shlwapi.lib*

To choose Release build or Debug build, is it possible to use mpic++-wrapper-data.txt to specify both options?



*libmpi_cxx.lib libmpi.lib libopen-pal.lib libopen-rte.lib advapi32.lib Ws2_32.lib shlwapi.lib*




*libmpi_cxxd.lib libmpid.lib libopen-pald.lib libopen-rted.lib advapi32.lib Ws2_32.lib shlwapi.lib*

is there a debug version of "*advapi32.lib Ws2_32.lib shlwapi.lib"*


For now, I will just override that file for Release, build boost mpi, override for Debug, build for Debug.



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