
Am 24.11.2011 um 05:26 schrieb Jaison Paul:

> I am trying to access OpenMPI processes over Internet using ssh and not quite 
> successful, yet. I believe that I should be able to do it.
> I have to run one process on my PC and the rest on a remote cluster over 
> internet. I have set the public keys (at .ssh/authorized_keys) to access 
> remote nodes without a password.
> I use hostfile to run mpi. It will read something like:
> -----------------------------
> localhost
> u...@remotehost.com

this is not a valid syntax for Open MPI.

> -----------------------------
> But it fails.
> The issue seems to be the user! That is, the user on my PC is different to 
> that of user at remotehosts. That's my assumption.
> Is this the problem? Is there any work-around to solve this issue? Do I need 
> to have same username at all nodes to solve this issue?

You can define nicknames for an ssh connection in a file ~/.ssh/config like:

Host foobar
    User baz
    Hostname the.remote.server.demo
    Port 1234

While this will work with any nickname for an ssh connection, in your case the 
nickname must match the one specified in the hostfile, as Open MPI won't use 
this lookup file:

Host remotehost.com
    User user

ssh should then use the entries therein to initiate the connection. For details 
you can have a look at `man ssh_config`.

-- Reuti

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