I don't know - I didn't write the app file code, and I've never seen anything 
defining its behavior. So I guess you could say it is intended - or not! :-/

On Mar 1, 2012, at 2:53 PM, Jeffrey Squyres wrote:

> Actually, I should say that I discovered that if you put --prefix on each 
> line of the app context file, then the first case (running the app context 
> file) works fine; it adheres to the --prefix behavior.
> Ralph: is this intended behavior?  (I don't know if I have an opinion either 
> way)
> On Mar 1, 2012, at 4:51 PM, Jeffrey Squyres wrote:
>> I see the problem.
>> It looks like the use of the app context file is triggering different 
>> behavior, and that behavior is erasing the use of --prefix.  If I replace 
>> the app context file with a complete command line, it works and the --prefix 
>> behavior is observed.
>> Specifically:
>> $mpirunfile $mcaparams --app addmpw-hostname
>> ^^ This one seems to ignore --prefix behavior.
>> $mpirunfile $mcaparams --host svbu-mpi,svbu-mpi001 -np 2 hostname
>> $mpirunfile $mcaparams --host svbu-mpi -np 1 hostname : --host svbu-mpi001 
>> -np 1 hostname
>> ^^ These two seem to adhere to the proper --prefix behavior.
>> Ralph -- can you have a look?
>> On Mar 1, 2012, at 2:59 PM, Yiguang Yan wrote:
>>> Hi Ralph,
>>> Thanks, here is what I did as suggested by Jeff:
>>>> What did this command line look like? Can you provide the configure line 
>>>> as well? 
>>> As in my previous post, the script as following:
>>> (1) debug messages:
>>> yiguang@gulftown testdmp]$ ./test.bash
>>> [gulftown:28340] mca: base: components_open: Looking for plm components
>>> [gulftown:28340] mca: base: components_open: opening plm components
>>> [gulftown:28340] mca: base: components_open: found loaded component rsh
>>> [gulftown:28340] mca: base: components_open: component rsh has no register 
>>> function
>>> [gulftown:28340] mca: base: components_open: component rsh open function 
>>> successful
>>> [gulftown:28340] mca: base: components_open: found loaded component slurm
>>> [gulftown:28340] mca: base: components_open: component slurm has no 
>>> register function
>>> [gulftown:28340] mca: base: components_open: component slurm open function 
>>> successful
>>> [gulftown:28340] mca: base: components_open: found loaded component tm
>>> [gulftown:28340] mca: base: components_open: component tm has no register 
>>> function
>>> [gulftown:28340] mca: base: components_open: component tm open function 
>>> successful
>>> [gulftown:28340] mca:base:select: Auto-selecting plm components
>>> [gulftown:28340] mca:base:select:(  plm) Querying component [rsh]
>>> [gulftown:28340] mca:base:select:(  plm) Query of component [rsh] set 
>>> priority to 10
>>> [gulftown:28340] mca:base:select:(  plm) Querying component [slurm]
>>> [gulftown:28340] mca:base:select:(  plm) Skipping component [slurm]. Query 
>>> failed to return a module
>>> [gulftown:28340] mca:base:select:(  plm) Querying component [tm]
>>> [gulftown:28340] mca:base:select:(  plm) Skipping component [tm]. Query 
>>> failed to return a module
>>> [gulftown:28340] mca:base:select:(  plm) Selected component [rsh]
>>> [gulftown:28340] mca: base: close: component slurm closed
>>> [gulftown:28340] mca: base: close: unloading component slurm
>>> [gulftown:28340] mca: base: close: component tm closed
>>> [gulftown:28340] mca: base: close: unloading component tm
>>> [gulftown:28340] plm:base:set_hnp_name: initial bias 28340 nodename hash 
>>> 3546479048
>>> [gulftown:28340] plm:base:set_hnp_name: final jobfam 17438
>>> [gulftown:28340] [[17438,0],0] plm:base:receive start comm
>>> [gulftown:28340] [[17438,0],0] plm:rsh: setting up job [17438,1]
>>> [gulftown:28340] [[17438,0],0] plm:base:setup_job for job [17438,1]
>>> [gulftown:28340] [[17438,0],0] plm:rsh: local shell: 0 (bash)
>>> [gulftown:28340] [[17438,0],0] plm:rsh: assuming same remote shell as local 
>>> shell
>>> [gulftown:28340] [[17438,0],0] plm:rsh: remote shell: 0 (bash)
>>> [gulftown:28340] [[17438,0],0] plm:rsh: final template argv:
>>>      /usr/bin/rsh <template>  orted --daemonize -mca ess env -mca 
>>> orte_ess_jobid 1142816768 -mca 
>>> orte_ess_vpid <template> -mca orte_ess_num_procs 4 --hnp-uri 
>>> "1142816768.0;tcp://;tcp://;tcp://;tcp://"
>>>  -
>>> -mca plm_rsh_agent rsh:ssh --mca btl_openib_warn_default_gid_prefix 0 --mca 
>>> btl openib,sm,self --mca 
>>> orte_tmpdir_base /tmp --mca plm_base_verbose 100
>>> [gulftown:28340] [[17438,0],0] plm:rsh:launch daemon already exists on node 
>>> gulftown
>>> [gulftown:28340] [[17438,0],0] plm:rsh: launching on node ibnode001
>>> [gulftown:28340] [[17438,0],0] plm:rsh: recording launch of daemon 
>>> [[17438,0],1]
>>> [gulftown:28340] [[17438,0],0] plm:rsh: executing: (//usr/bin/rsh) 
>>> [/usr/bin/rsh ibnode001  orted --daemonize -mca 
>>> ess env -mca orte_ess_jobid 1142816768 -mca orte_ess_vpid 1 -mca 
>>> orte_ess_num_procs 4 --hnp-uri 
>>> "1142816768.0;tcp://;tcp://;tcp://;tcp://"
>>>  -
>>> -mca plm_rsh_agent rsh:ssh --mca btl_openib_warn_default_gid_prefix 0 --mca 
>>> btl openib,sm,self --mca 
>>> orte_tmpdir_base /tmp --mca plm_base_verbose 100]
>>> bash: orted: command not found
>>> [gulftown:28340] [[17438,0],0] plm:rsh: launching on node ibnode002
>>> [gulftown:28340] [[17438,0],0] plm:rsh: recording launch of daemon 
>>> [[17438,0],2]
>>> [gulftown:28340] [[17438,0],0] plm:rsh: executing: (//usr/bin/rsh) 
>>> [/usr/bin/rsh ibnode002  orted --daemonize -mca 
>>> ess env -mca orte_ess_jobid 1142816768 -mca orte_ess_vpid 2 -mca 
>>> orte_ess_num_procs 4 --hnp-uri 
>>> "1142816768.0;tcp://;tcp://;tcp://;tcp://"
>>>  -
>>> -mca plm_rsh_agent rsh:ssh --mca btl_openib_warn_default_gid_prefix 0 --mca 
>>> btl openib,sm,self --mca 
>>> orte_tmpdir_base /tmp --mca plm_base_verbose 100]
>>> bash: orted: command not found
>>> [gulftown:28340] [[17438,0],0] plm:rsh: launching on node ibnode003
>>> [gulftown:28340] [[17438,0],0] plm:rsh: executing: (//usr/bin/rsh) 
>>> [/usr/bin/rsh ibnode003  orted --daemonize -mca 
>>> ess env -mca orte_ess_jobid 1142816768 -mca orte_ess_vpid 3 -mca 
>>> orte_ess_num_procs 4 --hnp-uri 
>>> "1142816768.0;tcp://;tcp://;tcp://;tcp://"
>>>  -
>>> -mca plm_rsh_agent rsh:ssh --mca btl_openib_warn_default_gid_prefix 0 --mca 
>>> btl openib,sm,self --mca 
>>> orte_tmpdir_base /tmp --mca plm_base_verbose 100]
>>> [gulftown:28340] [[17438,0],0] plm:rsh: recording launch of daemon 
>>> [[17438,0],3]
>>> bash: orted: command not found
>>> [gulftown:28340] [[17438,0],0] plm:base:daemon_callback
>>> <<<
>>> (2) test.bash script:
>>> #!/bin/sh -f
>>> #nohup
>>> #
>>> # 
>>> >-------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------<
>>> adinahome=/usr/adina/system8.8dmp
>>> mpirunfile=$adinahome/bin/mpirun
>>> #
>>> # Set envars for mpirun and orted
>>> #
>>> export PATH=$adinahome/bin:$adinahome/tools:$PATH
>>> export LD_LIBRARY_PATH=$adinahome/lib:$LD_LIBRARY_PATH
>>> #
>>> #
>>> # run DMP problem
>>> #
>>> mcaprefix="--prefix $adinahome"
>>> mcarshagent="--mca plm_rsh_agent rsh:ssh"
>>> mcatmpdir="--mca orte_tmpdir_base /tmp"
>>> mcaopenibmsg="--mca btl_openib_warn_default_gid_prefix 0"
>>> mcaenvars="-x PATH -x LD_LIBRARY_PATH"
>>> mcabtlconn="--mca btl openib,sm,self"
>>> mcaplmbase="--mca plm_base_verbose 100"
>>> mcaparams="$mcaprefix $mcaenvars $mcarshagent $mcaopenibmsg $mcabtlconn 
>>> $mcatmpdir $mcaplmbase"
>>> $mpirunfile $mcaparams --app addmpw-hostname
>>> <<<
>>> (3) the contend of app file addmpw-hostname:
>>> -n 1 -host gulftown hostname
>>> -n 1 -host ibnode001 hostname
>>> -n 1 -host ibnode002 hostname
>>> -n 1 -host ibnode003 thostname
>>> <<<
>>> Any comments?
>>> Thanks,
>>> Yiguang
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>> -- 
>> Jeff Squyres
>> jsquy...@cisco.com
>> For corporate legal information go to: 
>> http://www.cisco.com/web/about/doing_business/legal/cri/
>> _______________________________________________
>> users mailing list
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> -- 
> Jeff Squyres
> jsquy...@cisco.com
> For corporate legal information go to: 
> http://www.cisco.com/web/about/doing_business/legal/cri/
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