Dear openMPI users,

I think this should be an easy question to anyone with more experience
than an openMPI-hello-world-program...

I wrote some openMPI code, where the master sends a length and then a
buffer with that length as 2 subsequent MPI messages.
The slave is receiving these messages and answers back in a similar manner.

Sometimes this goes ok, sometimes not.
Messages of 28 chars or shorter do fine.
Messages of 29 or longer are usually problematic.
This length can be controlled with
#define DUMMY_MSG_LENGTH (40)

On Mac I sometimes get a mentioning of "slave 32767", where there
should only be a leave 1.
Probably a buffer overrun or so, but I cannot see where.

On linux I get:  Segmentation fault (11)

Increasing the length gives more problems...

How can I get this code stable?
What am I doing wrong?
Is there a maximum length to MPI messages?
For sending a string, do I use MPI_CHARACTER or MPI_BYTE or ...?

How come I cannot assert that my messages end in '\0' when received?
And how come that when I print them, I also get a segmentation fault?

Can I send two subsequent messages using MPI_Send, or do I have to do
the first as MPI_Isend and then do a MPI_Wait before the next

Why do I not find code online for receiving the length first and then
allocating a buffer of this size and then receiving the next message?

All code, build, run scripts and logs are attached.

It would help me big time, if you could answer my questions or debug the code.

thanks a lot!

#include <mpi.h>

#include <iostream>
#include <sstream>
#include <fstream>
#include <assert.h>

#define DUMMY_MSG_LENGTH (40)
// >28 almost never works, 
// <=28 mostly works, sometimes not either

#define LENGTH_TAG 1
#define WORK_TAG 2
#define RESULT_TAG 3
#define DIE_TAG 4

using namespace std;

// From:
void mpiErrorLog(int rank, int error_code) {
  if (error_code != MPI_SUCCESS) {
    char error_string[BUFSIZ];
    int length_of_error_string;
    MPI_Error_string(error_code, error_string, &length_of_error_string);
    cerr << "MPI: rank=" << rank << ", errorStr=" << error_string << endl;
    //send_error = TRUE;

int main(int argc, char* argv[]) {
  typedef unsigned long int unit_of_length_t;
  typedef unsigned char unit_of_work_t;
  typedef unsigned char unit_of_result_t;
  int numprocs, rank, namelen;
  char processor_name[MPI_MAX_PROCESSOR_NAME];
  MPI_Init(&argc, &argv);
  MPI_Comm_size(MPI_COMM_WORLD, &numprocs);
  cerr << "MPI: numprocs = " << numprocs << endl;
  MPI_Comm_rank(MPI_COMM_WORLD, &rank);
  cerr << "MPI: rank = " << rank << endl;
  MPI_Get_processor_name(processor_name, &namelen);
  cerr << "MPI: processor_name = " << processor_name << endl;
  MPI_Status status;
  ////// Send work to the Slaves //////
  int errorCode;
  stringstream ss;
  string s0(DUMMY_MSG_LENGTH, 'W');
  cerr << "work msg = '" << s0 << "'" << endl; 
  ss << s0;
  string s = ss.str();
  if (rank!=0) {
    MPI_Status status;
    int errorCode;
    while (true) {
      ////// Receive work from the master //////
      unit_of_length_t workLength;
      cerr << "MPI: slave " << rank << " ready to receive workLength from master" 
      << endl;
      errorCode = MPI_Recv(&workLength, 1, MPI_UNSIGNED_LONG, 0, MPI_ANY_TAG,
                           MPI_COMM_WORLD, &status);
      mpiErrorLog(rank, errorCode);
      assert((status.MPI_TAG == LENGTH_TAG) || (status.MPI_TAG == DIE_TAG));
      if (status.MPI_TAG == DIE_TAG) {
        cerr << "MPI: slave " << rank << " received dieTag from master, "
        << "errorCode = " << errorCode << endl;
        return 0; // ok
      assert(status.MPI_TAG == LENGTH_TAG);
      cerr << "MPI: slave " << rank << " received workLength = " 
      << workLength << " from master, errorCode = " << errorCode << endl;
      unit_of_work_t * work = new unit_of_work_t[workLength+1];
      cerr << "work = " << (void*)work << endl;
      assert(work != 0);
      cerr << "MPI: slave " << rank << " ready to receive work from master" 
      << endl;
      MPI_Recv(&work, workLength+1, MPI_BYTE, 0, WORK_TAG,
               MPI_COMM_WORLD, &status); 
      cerr << "MPI: slave " << rank << " received work from master, "
      << "errorCode = " << errorCode << endl;
      mpiErrorLog(rank, errorCode);
      //**//assert(work[workLength] == '\0');
      //**//cerr << ">>>MPI: work = " << work << endl;
      //**//printf("MPI: work = %s", work);

      assert(status.MPI_TAG == WORK_TAG);
      stringstream ss1;
      string s0(DUMMY_MSG_LENGTH, 'R');
      cerr << "result msg = '" << s0 << "'" << endl; 
      ss1 << s0;
      ////// Send result to the master //////
      unit_of_length_t resultLength = ss1.str().length();
      unit_of_result_t * result = new unit_of_result_t[resultLength+1];
      result[resultLength] = '\0';
      cerr << "result = " << (void*)result << endl;
      assert(result != 0);
      memcpy(result, ss1.str().c_str(), resultLength);
      MPI_Request request1, request2;
      cerr << "MPI: slave " << rank << " ready to send resultLength" << endl;
      MPI_Isend(&resultLength, 1,
               , &request1
      cerr << "MPI: slave " << rank << " sent resultLength, errorCode = " 
      << errorCode << endl;
      mpiErrorLog(rank, errorCode);
      cerr << "MPI: slave " << rank << " ready to send result" << endl;
      MPI_Wait(&request1, &status);
      MPI_Isend(&result, resultLength+1, // +1 for '\0'
               , &request2
      cerr << "MPI: slave " << rank << " sent result, errorCode = " << errorCode
      << endl;
      mpiErrorLog(rank, errorCode);
      MPI_Wait(&request2, &status);
      //delete [] work;
      //delete [] result;
  } else {
    unit_of_length_t workLength = s.length();
    for (int r=1; r<numprocs; r++) {
      //MPI_Request request1, request2;
      cerr << "MPI: master ready to send workLength=" << workLength 
      << " to slave " << r << endl;
      errorCode = MPI_Send(&workLength, 1,
                            MPI_UNSIGNED_LONG, r, LENGTH_TAG, MPI_COMM_WORLD
                            //, &request1
      cerr << "MPI: master sent workLength, errorCode = " << errorCode << endl;
      mpiErrorLog(rank, errorCode);
      cerr << "MPI: master ready to send work to slave " << r << endl;
      //MPI_Wait(&request1, &status);
      unit_of_work_t * work = new unit_of_work_t[workLength+1];
      memcpy(work, s.c_str(), workLength);
      work[workLength] = '\0';
      errorCode = MPI_Send(&work, workLength+1, // +1 for '\0'
                            MPI_BYTE, r, WORK_TAG, MPI_COMM_WORLD
                            //, &request2
      cerr << "MPI: master sent work to slave " << r 
      << ", errorCode = " << errorCode <<endl;
      mpiErrorLog(rank, errorCode);
      //MPI_Wait(&request2, &status);
    //vector<unit_of_result_t *> results;
    for (int r=1; r<numprocs; r++) {
      unit_of_length_t resultLength;
      cerr << "MPI: master ready to receive resultLength from slave " << r << endl;
      errorCode = MPI_Recv(&resultLength, 1, MPI_UNSIGNED_LONG, 
                           MPI_ANY_SOURCE, // we don't need rank-order
                           MPI_ANY_TAG, MPI_COMM_WORLD, &status);
      cerr << "MPI: master received resultLength=" << resultLength 
      << " from slave " << r << ", errorCode = " << errorCode << endl;
      mpiErrorLog(rank, errorCode);
      // but after received length, get next message from same slave, so:
      assert(status.MPI_TAG == LENGTH_TAG);
      int rReceiving = status.MPI_SOURCE;
      unit_of_result_t * result = new unit_of_result_t[resultLength+1];
      cerr << "MPI: master ready to receive result from slave " << r << endl;
      errorCode = MPI_Recv(&result, resultLength+1, MPI_BYTE,
                           rReceiving, // we need to pair length with contents from each r
                           MPI_ANY_TAG, MPI_COMM_WORLD, &status);
      //**//assert(result[resultLength] == '\0');
      cerr << "MPI: master received result from slave " << r
      << ", errorCode = " << errorCode << endl;
      mpiErrorLog(rank, errorCode);
      //**//cerr << ">>>MPI: result = " << result << endl;
      assert(status.MPI_TAG == RESULT_TAG);
    // do something with results
    for (int r=1; r<numprocs; r++) {
      //delete [] results[r-1];
  ////// Send DIETAGs to the Slaves //////  
  unit_of_length_t workLength = 1L;
  for (int r=1; r<numprocs; r++) {
    cerr << "MPI: master ready to send dieTag to slave " << r << endl;
    MPI_Send(&workLength, 1,
    cerr << "MPI: master sent dieTag to slave " << r << endl;

Description: Bourne shell script

Description: Bourne shell script

Attachment: mac.log
Description: Binary data

Attachment: linux.log
Description: Binary data

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