On Fri, 04 May 2012, Don Armstrong wrote:
> On Fri, 04 May 2012, TERRY DONTJE wrote:
> > Sorry if this is a stupid question but what is eth0:1 (it's under
> > eth0).  Are the 172.16.30.X addresses pingable to each other?
> Yes. They're all on the same physical subnet.

Even though this might have seemed like a stupid question, it put me
onto the right track. Apparently, mca_btl_tcp_endpoint_accept (or
similar) is unable to handle multiple IP addresses on the same
interface, and rejects the connection.

Changing the network topology to only have one address on each
physical network adapter resolves the problem, and connections are
made properly.

Don Armstrong

PowerPoint is symptomatic of a certain type of bureaucratic
environment: one typified by interminable presentations with lots of
fussy little bullet-points and flashy dissolves and soundtracks masked
into the background, to try to convince the audience that the goon
behind the computer has something significant to say.
 -- Charles Stross _The Jennifer Morgue_ p33

http://www.donarmstrong.com              http://rzlab.ucr.edu

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