Le 13/12/2012 10:45, Shikha Maheshwari a écrit :
> Hi,
> We are trying to build 'hwloc 1.4.2' on Linux on System Z. To build hwloc


If you are really talking about hwloc, you should contact this mailing list
    Hardware locality user list <hwloc-us...@open-mpi.org>
(Open MPI and hwloc are different software, even if hwloc is embedded in

> We are getting error while performing first step i.e. running
> configure script.
> error message is :
> configure: error: No atomic primitives available for s390x-ibm-linux-gnu
> If we investigate configure script, we got to know that it deals with
> some assembly related operations in this part. And, switch-case does
> not cover Linux on System z architecture (s390/s390x), hence it throws
> error and exits.

This looks strange to me. We do not use atomics in hwloc at all. Are you
really configuring hwloc and not Open MPI ?

> *Questions*: We have following questions related to this:
> 1. Is 'hwloc' supported on Linux on system z?

We don't have permanent access to such a platform but it has been tested
(and successfully used) in the past.

> 2. What exactly this assembly part is used for?

It's not used in hwloc as far as I know :/

If you're really trying to configure/build hwloc, please use hwloc 1.6
instead (from [1]), and report the problem to hwloc-users as explained
above. Please include your config.log and configure output in the mail.


[1] http://www.open-mpi.org/software/hwloc/v1.6/

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