It seems to be working fine for me with the latest 1.7 tarball (not rc5 - I 
didn't test that one). Could be there was a problem that has since been fixed. 
We are getting ready to release an updated rc, so you might want to try it (or 
use the latest nightly 1.7 snapshot).

On Jan 22, 2013, at 9:57 AM, Ada Mancuso <> wrote:

> Hi,
> I'm trying to run my mpi program using open mpi 1.7 rc5 on 4 machines using 
> the command:
> mpirun -np4 -hostfile file a.out
> but i get the following message errors:
> ORTE_ERROR_LOG: A message is attempting to be sent to a process whose contact 
> information is unknown in file 
> ../../../../../ompi/orte/mca/rml/oob/rml_oob_send.c
> attempted to send to [[21341,0],2]: tag 15 
> ORTE_ERROR_LOG: A message is attempting to be sent to a process whose contact 
> information is unknown in file 
> ../../../../ompi/orte/mca/grpcomm/base/grpcomm_base_xcast.c
> The file etc/hosts is composed by ipaddress hostname, I have exchange ssh 
> keys among the machines and ssh login works without requiring authentication 
> password. Surprisingly if I try to run my program with at most 2 hosts, and 
> so the file hosts contains only two hosts, it works but if i try to run my 
> program with more than two hosts i have this error; mpi works well on each 
> machine and I also tried to run my program with different couple of machines 
> in order to be sure that no machine could be the problem.
> Can you help me please?
> Ada
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