I built the current 1.6 branch (which hasn't seen any changes that would impact 
this function) and was able to execute it just fine on a single socket machine. 
I then gave it your slot-list, which of course failed as I don't have two 
active sockets (one is empty), but it appeared to parse the list just fine.

>From what I can tell, it looks like your linpc1 is unable to detect a second 
>socket for some reason when given the slot_list argument. I'll have to try 
>again tomorrow when I have access to a dual-socket machine.

On Jan 19, 2013, at 1:45 AM, Siegmar Gross 
<siegmar.gr...@informatik.hs-fulda.de> wrote:

> Hi
> I have installed openmpi-1.6.4rc2 and have still a problem with my
> rankfile.
> linpc1 rankfiles 113 ompi_info | grep "Open MPI:"
>                Open MPI: 1.6.4rc2r27861
> linpc1 rankfiles 114 cat rf_linpc1 
> rank 0=linpc1 slot=0:0-1,1:0-1
> linpc1 rankfiles 115 mpiexec -report-bindings -np 1 \
>  -rf rf_linpc1 hostname
> --------------------------------------------------------------------
> We were unable to successfully process/set the requested processor
> affinity settings:
> Specified slot list: 0:0-1,1:0-1
> Error: Error
> This could mean that a non-existent processor was specified, or
> that the specification had improper syntax.
> --------------------------------------------------------------------
> --------------------------------------------------------------------
> mpiexec was unable to start the specified application as it
>  encountered an error:
> Error name: Error
> Node: linpc1
> when attempting to start process rank 0.
> --------------------------------------------------------------------
> Everything works fine with the following command.
> linpc1 rankfiles 116 mpiexec -report-bindings -np 1 -cpus-per-proc 4 \
>  -bycore -bind-to-core hostname
> [linpc1:20140] MCW rank 0 bound to socket 0[core 0-1]
>  socket 1[core 0-1]: [B B][B B]
> linpc1
> I would be grateful if somebody could fix the problem. Thank you very
> much for any help in advance.
> Kind regards
> Siegmar
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