Can you help me? 

The bnode1.bnode2 and node1,node2 are the hostnames of the same nodes corresponding to the InfiniBand and ethernet network respectively.
The node1,node2 are the nodes declarated in
In order to use the IB network, I have modified the lsf mpijob script, and modified the HOSTFILE containing the nodes which LSF dispatched from node to bnode.
Then use "mpiexec -machinefile $HOSTFILE $COMMANDLINE" to run my jobs.
But the job exits and shows:
A hostfile was provided that contains at least one node not
present in the allocation:

  hostfile:  /home/nic/hmli/.lsbatch/bhost23263.node1
  node:      bnode2

If you are operating in a resource-managed environment, then only
nodes that are in the allocation can be used in the hostfile
. You
may find relative node syntax to be a useful alternative to
specifying absolute node names see the orte_hosts man page for
further information.

I don't want to change the hostname from node to bnode in

Thank you very much.

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