Not offhand.  The error you're seeing *typically* indicates that you've got a 
mismatch of OMPI version somewhere.  Are you running on multiple machines with 
different Open MPI versions, perchance?

If you're running only on a single machine, try completely uninstalling the 
Open MPI package, re-installing it, recompiling your trivial app, and see what 

Also, you might want to check the output of "mpicc yourapp.c --showme" and see 
if it's pointing to the right libraries, etc.

On Jul 19, 2013, at 7:06 PM, "Kevin H. Hobbs" <> wrote:

> On 07/19/2013 05:11 PM, Ralph Castain wrote:
>> Are you sure you're using the same version of OMPI on this new OS?
> No, I'm sure I'm using a different version of Open MPI in Fedora
> 18 from the one I was using in Fedora 17.
> I have only the Open MPI provided by the Fedora distribution.
>> They typically distribute one in your default path, 
> Fedora allows both Open MPI and MPICH to be installed at the same
> time by using the module system.
> Neither is in the default path, I have to put them in my path with :
>  module load mpi/openmpi-x86_64
> which is in my ~/.bashrc .
>> so I'd check to ensure that you really are using the version you think.
> 'locate mpicc' and 'locate mpirun' only find one hit each so I'm
> reasonably sure I'm running what I think I'm running.
> That being said packaging bugs have happened before is there any
> library, config file, or executable that you would suggest I look
> for that might have come from a prior version of Open MPI or its
> dependencies?
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