Hi All,

I have a question similar (but not identical to) the one asked by Tom Fogel
a week or so back...

I have a code that uses MPI_Comm_spawn to launch different processes. The
executables for these use libraries in non-standard locations, so what I've
done is add the directories containing them to my LD_LIBRARY_PATH
environment variable, and then calling mpirun with "-x LD_LIBRARY_PATH".
This works well for me on OpenMPI 1.6.3 and earlier. However, I've been
playing with OpenMPI 1.7.3 and this no longer seems to work. As soon as my
code MPI_Comm_spawns, all the spawned processes die complaining that they
can't find the correct libraries to start the executable.

Has there been a way that exported variables are passed to spawned
processes between OpenMPI 1.6 and 1.7? Is there something else I'm doing
wrong here?

Best Regards,

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