Is there anything we could do in hwloc to improve this? (I don't even
know the exact piece of code you are refering to)

Le 12/02/2014 02:46, Ralph Castain a écrit :
> Okay, I fixed it. Keep getting caught by a very, very unfortunate design flaw 
> in hwloc that forces you to treat cache's as a special case that requires you 
> to call a different function. So you have to constantly protect function 
> calls into hwloc with "if cache, call this one - else, call that one". REALLY 
> irritating, and it caught us again here.
> Should be fixed now in trunk now, set to go over to 1.7.5
> Thanks
> Ralph
> On Feb 11, 2014, at 4:47 PM, wrote:
>> Hi Ralph,
>> Since the ticket #4240 has been already set as fixed, I'm sending this
>> email to you. ( I don't konw I could add comments to the fixed ticket)
>> When I tried to bind the process to l3chace, it didn't work like below:
>> (the host mangae has the normal topology - not inverted)
>> [mishima@manage openmpi-1.7.4]$ mpirun -np 2 -bind-to l3cache
>> -report-bindings ~/mis/openmpi/demos/myprog
>> --------------------------------------------------------------------------
>> No objects of the specified type were found on at least one node:
>>  Type: Cache
>>  Node: manage
>> The map cannot be done as specified.
>> --------------------------------------------------------------------------
>> "-bind-to l1cache/l2cahce" doesn't work as well. At least, I confirmed that
>> the openmpi-1.7.4 works with "-bind-to l3cache".
>> Regards,
>> Tetsuya Mishima
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