I am using openmpi 1.7.4 on Ubuntu 12.04 x64 and I have a very odd problem.

I have 4 nodes, all of which are defined in the hostfile and in /etc/hosts.

I can log into each node using ssh and certificate method from the shell
that is running the mpi job, by sing their name as defined in /etc/hosts.

I can run an mpi job if I include only 3 nodes in the hostfile, for example:

Node1 slots=8 max-slots=8
Node2 slots=8 max-slots=8
Node3 slots=8 max-slots=8

But if I add a fourth node into the hostfile eg:

Node1 slots=8 max-slots=8
Node2 slots=8 max-slots=8
Node3 slots=8 max-slots=8
Node4 slots=8 max-slots=8

I get this error after attempting mpirun -np 32 --hostfile hostfile a.out:

ssh: Could not resolve hostname Node4: Name or service not known.

But, I can log into Node4 using ssh from the same shell by using ssh Node4.

Also if I mix up the hostfile like this for example and place Node1 to the
last spot:

Node4 slots=8 max-slots=8
Node2 slots=8 max-slots=8
Node3 slots=8 max-slots=8
Node1 slots=8 max-slots=8

The error becomes

ssh: Could not resolve hostname Node1: Name or service not known.

If I then go back to the three node hostfile like this:

Node1 slots=8 max-slots=8
Node4 slots=8 max-slots=8
Node2 slots=8 max-slots=8

There is no error with three nodes even though both Node1 and Node4 "cannot
be found" if they are present in a 4 node hostfile in the last spot. The
last slot seems to be bugged.

What is going on? How do I fix this?

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