
It is working now. It shows:
starting wrf task            0  of            4
 starting wrf task            1  of            4
 starting wrf task            2  of            4
 starting wrf task            3  of            4
Thank you so much!!! You helped me a lot! Finally :) And plus I know the
difference between OpenMP and Open MPI (well, to be honest not completely,
but more than i knew before). :D



On Tue, Apr 15, 2014 at 11:57 AM, Gus Correa <g...@ldeo.columbia.edu> wrote:

> Hi Djordje
> "locate mpirun" shows items labled "intel", "mpich", and "openmpi", maybe
> more.
> Is it Ubuntu or Debian?
> Anyway, if you got this mess from somebody else,
> instead of sorting it out,
> it may save you time and headaches installing Open MPI from
> source.
> Since it is a single machine, there are no worries about
> having an homogeneous installation for several computers (which
> could be done if needed, though).
> 0. Make sure you have gcc, g++, and gfortran installed,
> including any "devel" packages that may exist.
> [apt-get or yum should tell you]
> If something is missing, install it.
> 1. Download the Open MPI (a.k.a OMPI) tarball to a work directory
> of your choice,
> say /home/djordje/inst/openmpi/1.8 (create the directory if needed),
> and untar the tarball (tar -jxvf ...)
> http://www.open-mpi.org/software/ompi/v1.8/
> 2. Configure it to be installed in yet another directory under
> your home, say /home/djordje/sw/openmpi/1.8 (with --prefix).
> cd /home/djordje/inst/openmpi/1.8
> ./configure --prefix=/home/djordje/sw/openmpi/1.8 CC=gcc, CXX=g++,
> FC=gfortran
> [Not sure if with 1.8 there is a separate F77 interface, if there is
> add F77=gfortran to the configure command line above.
> Also, I am using OMPI 1.6.5,
> but my recollection is that Jeff would phase off mpif90 and mpif77 in
> favor of a single mpifortran of sorts.  Please check the OMPI README file.]
> Then do
> make
> make install
> 3. Setup your environment variables PATH and LD_LIBRARY_PATH
> to point to *this* Open MPI installation ahead of anything else.
> This is easily done in your .bashrc or .tcshrc/.cshrc file,
> depending on which shell you use
> .bashrc :
> export PATH=/home/djordje/sw/openmpi/1.8/bin:$PATH
> export LD_LIBRARY_PATH=/home/djordje/sw/openmpi/1.8/lib:$LD_LIBRARY_PATH
> .tcshrc/.cshrc:
> setenv PATH /home/djordje/sw/openmpi/1.8/bin:$PATH
> setenv LD_LIBRARY_PATH /home/djordje/sw/openmpi/1.8/lib:$LD_LIBRARY_PATH
> 4. Logout, login again (or open a new terminal), and check if you
> get the right mpirun, etc:
> which mpicc
> which mpif90
> which mpirun
> They should point to items in /home/djordje/sw/openmpi/1.8/bin
> 5. Rebuild WRF from scratch.
> 6. Check if WRF got the libraries right:
> ldd wrf.exe
> This should show mpi libraries in /home/djordje/sw/openmpi/1.8/lib
> 7. Run WRF
> mpirun -np 4 wrf.exe
> I hope this helps,
> Gus Correa
> On 04/14/2014 08:21 PM, Djordje Romanic wrote:
>> Hi,
>> Thanks for this guys. I think I might have two MPI implementations
>> installed because 'locate mpirun' gives (see bold lines) :
>> -----------------------------------------
>> /etc/alternatives/mpirun
>> /etc/alternatives/mpirun.1.gz
>> */home/djordje/Build_WRF/LIBRARIES/mpich/bin/mpirun*
>> /home/djordje/StarCCM/Install/STAR-CCM+8.06.007/mpi/intel/4.
>> 1.1.036/linux-x86_64/bin/mpirun
>> <>
>> /home/djordje/StarCCM/Install/STAR-CCM+8.06.007/mpi/intel/4.
>> 1.1.036/linux-x86_64/bin64/mpirun
>> <>
>> /home/djordje/StarCCM/Install/STAR-CCM+8.06.007/mpi/intel/4.
>> 1.1.036/linux-x86_64/ia32/bin/mpirun
>> <>
>> /home/djordje/StarCCM/Install/STAR-CCM+8.06.007/mpi/intel/4.
>> 1.1.036/linux-x86_64/intel64/bin/mpirun
>> <>
>> /home/djordje/StarCCM/Install/STAR-CCM+8.06.007/mpi/openmpi/
>> 1.4.3/linux-x86_64-2.3.4/gnu4.5/bin/mpirun
>> /home/djordje/StarCCM/Install/STAR-CCM+8.06.007/mpi/openmpi/
>> 1.4.3/linux-x86_64-2.3.4/gnu4.5/share/man/man1/mpirun.1
>> /home/djordje/StarCCM/Install/STAR-CCM+8.06.007/mpi/openmpi/
>> 1.6.4/linux-x86_64-2.3.4/gnu4.6/bin/mpirun
>> /home/djordje/StarCCM/Install/STAR-CCM+8.06.007/mpi/openmpi/
>> 1.6.4/linux-x86_64-2.3.4/gnu4.6/share/man/man1/mpirun.1
>> /home/djordje/StarCCM/Install/STAR-CCM+8.06.007/mpi/platform/
>> <>
>> /home/djordje/StarCCM/Install/STAR-CCM+8.06.007/mpi/platform/
>> <>
>> /home/djordje/StarCCM/Install/STAR-CCM+8.06.007/mpi/platform/
>> <>
>> /home/djordje/StarCCM/Install/STAR-CCM+8.06.007/mpi/platform/
>> <>
>> /home/djordje/StarCCM/Install/STAR-CCM+8.06.007/mpi/platform/
>> <>
>> /home/djordje/StarCCM/Install/STAR-CCM+8.06.007/mpi/platform/
>> <>
>> /home/djordje/StarCCM/Install/STAR-CCM+8.06.007/mpi/platform/
>> <
>> linux_amd64/libmpirun.so>
>> /home/djordje/StarCCM/Install/STAR-CCM+8.06.007/mpi/platform/
>> <
>> linux_ia32/libmpirun.so>
>> /home/djordje/StarCCM/Install/STAR-CCM+8.06.007/mpi/platform/
>> <>
>> /home/djordje/StarCCM/Install/STAR-CCM+8.06.007/mpi/platform/
>> <>
>> /home/djordje/StarCCM/Install/STAR-CCM+8.06.007/mpi/platform/
>> <>
>> /home/djordje/StarCCM/Install/STAR-CCM+8.06.007/mpi/platform/
>> <>
>> /home/djordje/StarCCM/Install/STAR-CCM+8.06.007/mpi/platform/
>> <>
>> /home/djordje/StarCCM/Install/STAR-CCM+8.06.007/mpi/platform/
>> <>
>> /home/djordje/StarCCM/Install/STAR-CCM+8.06.007/mpi/platform/
>> <>
>> /home/djordje/StarCCM/Install/STAR-CCM+8.06.007/mpi/platform/
>> <>
>> /home/djordje/StarCCM/Install/STAR-CCM+8.06.007/mpi/platform/
>> <>
>> /home/djordje/StarCCM/Install/STAR-CCM+8.06.007/mpi/platform/
>> <
>> linux_amd64/libmpirun.so>
>> /home/djordje/StarCCM/Install/STAR-CCM+8.06.007/mpi/platform/
>> <
>> linux_ia32/libmpirun.so>
>> /home/djordje/StarCCM/Install/STAR-CCM+8.06.007/mpi/platform/
>> <>
>> /home/djordje/StarCCM/Install/STAR-CCM+8.06.007/mpi/platform/
>> <>
>> /home/djordje/StarCCM/Install/STAR-CCM+8.06.007/mpi/platform/
>> <>
>> */usr/bin/mpirun*
>> /usr/bin/mpirun.openmpi
>> /usr/lib/openmpi/include/openmpi/ompi/runtime/mpiruntime.h
>> /usr/share/man/man1/mpirun.1.gz
>> /usr/share/man/man1/mpirun.openmpi.1.gz
>> /var/lib/dpkg/alternatives/mpirun
>> -----------------------------------------
>> This is a single machine. I actually just got it... another user used it
>> for 1-2 years.
>> Is this a possible cause of the problem?
>> Regards,
>> Djordje
>> On Mon, Apr 14, 2014 at 7:06 PM, Gus Correa <g...@ldeo.columbia.edu
>> <mailto:g...@ldeo.columbia.edu>> wrote:
>>     Apologies for stirring even more the confusion by mispelling
>>     "Open MPI" as "OpenMPI".
>>     "OMPI" doesn't help either, because all OpenMP environment
>>     variables and directives start with "OMP".
>>     Maybe associating the names to
>>     "message passing" vs. "threads" would help?
>>     Djordje:
>>     'which mpif90' etc show everything in /usr/bin.
>>     So, very likely they were installed from packages
>>     (yum, apt-get, rpm ...),right?
>>     Have you tried something like
>>     "yum list |grep mpi"
>>     to see what you have?
>>     As Dave, Jeff and Tom said, this may be a mixup of different
>>     MPI implementations at compilation (mpicc mpif90) and runtime
>> (mpirun).
>>     That is common, you may have different MPI implementations installed.
>>     Other possibilities that may tell what MPI you have:
>>     mpirun --version
>>     mpif90 --show
>>     mpicc --show
>>     Yet another:
>>     locate mpirun
>>     locate mpif90
>>     locate mpicc
>>     The ldd didn't show any MPI libraries, maybe they are static
>> libraries.
>>     An alternative is to install Open MPI from source,
>>     and put it in a non-system directory
>>     (not /usr/bin, not /usr/local/bin, etc).
>>     Is this a single machine or a cluster?
>>     Or perhaps a set of PCs that you have access to?
>>     If it is a cluster, do you have access to a filesystem that is
>>     shared across the cluster?
>>     On clusters typically /home is shared, often via NFS.
>>     Gus Correa
>>     On 04/14/2014 05:15 PM, Jeff Squyres (jsquyres) wrote:
>>         Maybe we should rename OpenMP to be something less confusing --
>>         perhaps something totally unrelated, perhaps even non-sensical.
>>         That'll end lots of confusion!
>>         My vote: OpenMP --> SharkBook
>>         It's got a ring to it, doesn't it?  And it sounds fearsome!
>>         On Apr 14, 2014, at 5:04 PM, "Elken, Tom" <tom.el...@intel.com
>>         <mailto:tom.el...@intel.com>> wrote:
>>             That’s OK.  Many of us make that mistake, though often as a
>>             typo.
>>             One thing that helps is that the correct spelling of Open
>>             MPI has a space in it,
>>     but OpenMP does not.
>>             If not aware what OpenMP is, here is a link:
>>             http://openmp.org/wp/
>>             What makes it more confusing is that more and more apps.
>>     offer the option of running in a hybrid mode, such as WRF,
>>     with OpenMP threads running over MPI ranks with the same executable.
>>     And sometimes that MPI is Open MPI.
>>             Cheers,
>>             -Tom
>>             From: users [mailto:users-bounces@open-__mpi.org
>>             <mailto:users-boun...@open-mpi.org>] On Behalf Of Djordje
>>             Romanic
>>             Sent: Monday, April 14, 2014 1:28 PM
>>             To: Open MPI Users
>>             Subject: Re: [OMPI users] mpirun runs in serial even I set
>>             np to several processors
>>             OK guys... Thanks for all this info. Frankly, I didn't know
>>             these diferences between OpenMP and OpenMPI. The commands:
>>             which mpirun
>>             which mpif90
>>             which mpicc
>>             give,
>>             /usr/bin/mpirun
>>             /usr/bin/mpif90
>>             /usr/bin/mpicc
>>             respectively.
>>             A tutorial on how to compile WRF
>>             (http://www.mmm.ucar.edu/wrf/__OnLineTutorial/compilation___
>> tutorial.php
>>             <http://www.mmm.ucar.edu/wrf/OnLineTutorial/compilation_
>> tutorial.php>)
>>             provides a test program to test MPI. I ran the program and
>>             it gave me the output of successful run, which is:
>>             ------------------------------__---------------
>>             C function called by Fortran
>>             Values are xx = 2.00 and ii = 1
>>             status = 2
>>             SUCCESS test 2 fortran + c + netcdf + mpi
>>             ------------------------------__---------------
>>             It uses mpif90 and mpicc for compiling. Below is the output
>>             of 'ldd ./wrf.exe':
>>                   linux-vdso.so.1 =>  (0x00007fff584e7000)
>>                   libpthread.so.0 =>
>>             /lib/x86_64-linux-gnu/__libpthread.so.0 (0x00007f4d160ab000)
>>                   libgfortran.so.3 =>
>>             /usr/lib/x86_64-linux-gnu/__libgfortran.so.3
>>             (0x00007f4d15d94000)
>>                   libm.so.6 => /lib/x86_64-linux-gnu/libm.so.__6
>>             (0x00007f4d15a97000)
>>                   libgcc_s.so.1 => /lib/x86_64-linux-gnu/libgcc___s.so.1
>>             (0x00007f4d15881000)
>>                   libc.so.6 => /lib/x86_64-linux-gnu/libc.so.__6
>>             (0x00007f4d154c1000)
>>                   /lib64/ld-linux-x86-64.so.2 (0x00007f4d162e8000)
>>                   libquadmath.so.0 =>
>>             /usr/lib/x86_64-linux-gnu/__libquadmath.so.0
>>             (0x00007f4d1528a000)
>>             On Mon, Apr 14, 2014 at 4:09 PM, Gus Correa
>>             <g...@ldeo.columbia.edu <mailto:g...@ldeo.columbia.edu>> wrote:
>>             Djordje
>>             Your WRF configure file seems to use mpif90 and mpicc (line
>>             115 & following).
>>             In addition, it also seems to have DISABLED OpenMP (NO
>>             TRAILING "I")
>>             (lines 109-111, where OpenMP stuff is commented out).
>>             So, it looks like to me your intent was to compile with MPI.
>>             Whether it is THIS MPI (OpenMPI) or another MPI (say MPICH,
>>             or MVAPICH,
>>             or Intel MPI, or Cray, or ...) only your environment can tell.
>>             What do you get from these commands:
>>             which mpirun
>>             which mpif90
>>             which mpicc
>>             I never built WRF here (but other people here use it).
>>             Which input do you provide to the command that generates the
>>             configure
>>             script that you sent before?
>>             Maybe the full command line will shed some light on the
>> problem.
>>             I hope this helps,
>>             Gus Correa
>>             On 04/14/2014 03:11 PM, Djordje Romanic wrote:
>>             to get help :)
>>             On Mon, Apr 14, 2014 at 3:11 PM, Djordje Romanic
>>             <djord...@gmail.com <mailto:djord...@gmail.com>
>>             <mailto:djord...@gmail.com <mailto:djord...@gmail.com>>>
>> wrote:
>>                   Yes, but I was hoping to get. :)
>>                   On Mon, Apr 14, 2014 at 3:02 PM, Jeff Squyres (jsquyres)
>>                   <jsquy...@cisco.com <mailto:jsquy...@cisco.com>
>>             <mailto:jsquy...@cisco.com <mailto:jsquy...@cisco.com>>>
>> wrote:
>>                       If you didn't use Open MPI, then this is the wrong
>>             mailing list
>>                       for you.  :-)
>>                       (this is the Open MPI users' support mailing list)
>>                       On Apr 14, 2014, at 2:58 PM, Djordje Romanic
>>             <djord...@gmail.com <mailto:djord...@gmail.com>
>>                       <mailto:djord...@gmail.com
>>             <mailto:djord...@gmail.com>>> wrote:
>>                        > I didn't use OpenMPI.
>>                        >
>>                        >
>>                        > On Mon, Apr 14, 2014 at 2:37 PM, Jeff Squyres
>>             (jsquyres)
>>                       <jsquy...@cisco.com <mailto:jsquy...@cisco.com>
>>             <mailto:jsquy...@cisco.com <mailto:jsquy...@cisco.com>>>
>> wrote:
>>                        > This can also happen when you compile your
>>             application with
>>                       one MPI implementation (e.g., Open MPI), but then
>>             mistakenly use
>>                       the "mpirun" (or "mpiexec") from a different MPI
>>             implementation
>>                       (e.g., MPICH).
>>                        >
>>                        >
>>                        > On Apr 14, 2014, at 2:32 PM, Djordje Romanic
>>                       <djord...@gmail.com <mailto:djord...@gmail.com>
>>             <mailto:djord...@gmail.com <mailto:djord...@gmail.com>>>
>> wrote:
>>                        >
>>                        > > I compiled it with: x86_64 Linux, gfortran
>>             compiler with
>>                       gcc   (dmpar). dmpar - distributed memory option.
>>                        > >
>>                        > > Attached is the self-generated configuration
>>             file. The
>>                       architecture specification settings start at line
>>             107. I didn't
>>                       use Open MPI (shared memory option).
>>                        > >
>>                        > >
>>                        > > On Mon, Apr 14, 2014 at 1:23 PM, Dave Goodell
>>             (dgoodell)
>>                       <dgood...@cisco.com <mailto:dgood...@cisco.com>
>>             <mailto:dgood...@cisco.com <mailto:dgood...@cisco.com>>>
>> wrote:
>>                        > > On Apr 14, 2014, at 12:15 PM, Djordje Romanic
>>                       <djord...@gmail.com <mailto:djord...@gmail.com>
>>             <mailto:djord...@gmail.com <mailto:djord...@gmail.com>>>
>> wrote:
>>                        > >
>>                        > > > When I start wrf with mpirun -np 4
>>             ./wrf.exe, I get this:
>>                        > > >
>>             ------------------------------__-------------------
>>                        > > >  starting wrf task            0  of
>>                 1
>>                        > > >  starting wrf task            0  of
>>                 1
>>                        > > >  starting wrf task            0  of
>>                 1
>>                        > > >  starting wrf task            0  of
>>                 1
>>                        > > >
>>             ------------------------------__-------------------
>>                        > > > This indicates that it is not using 4
>>             processors, but 1.
>>                        > > >
>>                        > > > Any idea what might be the problem?
>>                        > >
>>                        > > It could be that you compiled WRF with a
>>             different MPI
>>                       implementation than you are using to run it (e.g.,
>>             MPICH vs.
>>                       Open MPI).
>>                        > >
>>                        > > -Dave
>>                        > >
>>                        > > ______________________________
>> ___________________
>>                        > > users mailing list
>>                        > > us...@open-mpi.org
>>             <mailto:us...@open-mpi.org> <mailto:us...@open-mpi.org
>>             <mailto:us...@open-mpi.org>>
>>                        > >
>>             http://www.open-mpi.org/__mailman/listinfo.cgi/users
>>             <http://www.open-mpi.org/mailman/listinfo.cgi/users>
>>                        > >
>>                        > >
>>             <configure.wrf>_____________________________________________
>> ______
>>                        > > users mailing list
>>                        > > us...@open-mpi.org
>>             <mailto:us...@open-mpi.org> <mailto:us...@open-mpi.org
>>             <mailto:us...@open-mpi.org>>
>>                        > >
>>             http://www.open-mpi.org/__mailman/listinfo.cgi/users
>>             <http://www.open-mpi.org/mailman/listinfo.cgi/users>
>>                        >
>>                        >
>>                        > --
>>                        > Jeff Squyres
>>                        > jsquy...@cisco.com <mailto:jsquy...@cisco.com>
>>             <mailto:jsquy...@cisco.com <mailto:jsquy...@cisco.com>>
>>                        > For corporate legal information go to:
>>             http://www.cisco.com/web/__about/doing_business/legal/__cri/
>>             <http://www.cisco.com/web/about/doing_business/legal/cri/>
>>                        >
>>                        > ______________________________
>> ___________________
>>                        > users mailing list
>>                        > us...@open-mpi.org <mailto:us...@open-mpi.org>
>>             <mailto:us...@open-mpi.org <mailto:us...@open-mpi.org>>
>>                        >
>>             http://www.open-mpi.org/__mailman/listinfo.cgi/users
>>             <http://www.open-mpi.org/mailman/listinfo.cgi/users>
>>                        >
>>                        > ______________________________
>> ___________________
>>                        > users mailing list
>>                        > us...@open-mpi.org <mailto:us...@open-mpi.org>
>>             <mailto:us...@open-mpi.org <mailto:us...@open-mpi.org>>
>>                        >
>>             http://www.open-mpi.org/__mailman/listinfo.cgi/users
>>             <http://www.open-mpi.org/mailman/listinfo.cgi/users>
>>                       --
>>                       Jeff Squyres
>>             jsquy...@cisco.com <mailto:jsquy...@cisco.com>
>>             <mailto:jsquy...@cisco.com <mailto:jsquy...@cisco.com>>
>>                       For corporate legal information go to:
>>             http://www.cisco.com/web/__about/doing_business/legal/__cri/
>>             <http://www.cisco.com/web/about/doing_business/legal/cri/>
>>                       _________________________________________________
>>                       users mailing list
>>             us...@open-mpi.org <mailto:us...@open-mpi.org>
>>             <mailto:us...@open-mpi.org <mailto:us...@open-mpi.org>>
>>             http://www.open-mpi.org/__mailman/listinfo.cgi/users
>>             <http://www.open-mpi.org/mailman/listinfo.cgi/users>
>>             _________________________________________________
>>             users mailing list
>>             us...@open-mpi.org <mailto:us...@open-mpi.org>
>>             http://www.open-mpi.org/__mailman/listinfo.cgi/users
>>             <http://www.open-mpi.org/mailman/listinfo.cgi/users>
>>             _________________________________________________
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>>     _________________________________________________
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>>     us...@open-mpi.org <mailto:us...@open-mpi.org>
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>> _______________________________________________
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>> us...@open-mpi.org
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