The $PATH and $LD_LIBRARY_PATH seem to be correct, as does module list. I
will try to hear back from our particular cluster people, otherwise I will
try using the latest version. This is old government software, significant
parts are written in fortran77 for example, typically upgrading to a new
version breaks it. It was looking for mpich, hence the link, but a long
time ago I gave it openmpi instead as recommended and that worked, so I
suppose it's less persnickety about the mpi version than some other things.
The most current version installed is openmpi/1.6.5-intel(default). Thanks

[bl10@login2 ~]$ echo $PATH

[bl10@login2 ~]$ echo $LD_LIBRARY_PATH

[bl10@login2 ~]$ module list
Currently Loaded Modulefiles:
  1) intel/2013.1.039      2) python3/3.2.1         3) pgi/11.7
 4) openmpi/1.4.4-intel   5) netcdf/4.1.3
[bl10@login2 ~]$

On Fri, May 16, 2014 at 5:46 PM, Gus Correa <> wrote:

> On 05/16/2014 06:26 PM, Ben Lash wrote:
>> I'm not sure I have the ability to implement a different module
>> management system, I am using a university cluster. We have a module
>> system, and I am beginning to suspect that maybe it wasn't updated
>> during the upgrade. I have
>> module list
>> ..other modules....openmpi/1.4.4
>> Perhaps this is still trying to go to the old source location? How would
>> I check? Is there an easy way around it if it is wrong? Thanks again!
> Most likely the module openmpi/1.4.4 is out of date.
> You can check it with
> echo $PATH
> If it doesn't point to the "retired" directory, then it is probably out of
> date.
> Why don't you try to recompile the code
> with the current Open MPI installed in the cluster?
> module avail
> will show everyting, and you can pick the latest, load it,
> and try to recompile the program with that.
> Gus Correa
>> On Fri, May 16, 2014 at 5:07 PM, Maxime Boissonneault
>> <
>> <>> wrote:
>>     Instead of using the outdated and not maintained Module environment,
>>     why not use Lmod :
>>     It is a drop-in replacement for Module environment that supports all
>>     of their features and much, much more, such as :
>>     - module hierarchies
>>     - module properties and color highlighting (we use it to higlight
>>     bioinformatic modules or tools for example)
>>     - module caching (very useful for a parallel filesystem with tons of
>>     modules)
>>     - path priorities (useful to make sure personal modules take
>>     precendence over system modules)
>>     - export module tree to json
>>     It works like a charm, understand both TCL and Lua modules and is
>>     actively developped and debugged. There are litteraly new features
>>     every month or so. If it does not do what you want, odds are that
>>     the developper will add it shortly (I've had it happen).
>>     Maxime
>>     Le 2014-05-16 17:58, Douglas L Reeder a écrit :
>>>     Ben,
>>>     You might want to use module (source forge) to manage paths to
>>>     different mpi implementations. It is fairly easy to set up and
>>>     very robust for this type of problem. You would remove contentious
>>>     application paths from you standard PATH and then use module to
>>>     switch them in and out as needed.
>>>     Doug Reeder
>>>     On May 16, 2014, at 3:39 PM, Ben Lash <
>>>     <>> wrote:
>>>      My cluster has just upgraded to a new version of MPI, and I'm
>>>>     using an old one. It seems that I'm having trouble compiling due
>>>>     to the compiler wrapper file moving (full error here:
>>>>     "Cannot open configuration file
>>>>     /opt/apps/openmpi/1.4.4-intel/share/openmpi/mpif90-wrapper-
>>>> data.txt"
>>>>     I've found the file on the cluster at
>>>>      /opt/apps/openmpi/retired/1.4.4-intel/share/openmpi/mpif90-
>>>> wrapper-data.txt
>>>>     How do I tell the old mpi wrapper where this file is?
>>>>     I've already corrected one link to mpich ->
>>>>     /opt/apps/openmpi/retired/1.4.4-intel/, which is in the software
>>>>     I'm trying to recompile's lib folder
>>>>     (/home/bl10/CMAQv5.0.1/lib/x86_64/ifort). Thanks for any ideas. I
>>>>     also tried changing $pkgdatadir based on what I read here:
>>>> wrapper-compiler-flags
>>>>     Thanks.
>>>>     --Ben L
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>>     --
>>     ---------------------------------
>>     Maxime Boissonneault
>>     Analyste de calcul - Calcul Québec, Université Laval
>>     Ph. D. en physique
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>> --
>> --Ben L
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--Ben L

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