Hi all,

Trying to run OpenMPI ( trunk Revision: 32428 ) I faced the problem running 
OMPI with more than 65 procs.
It looks like MPI failes to open 66th connection even with running `hostname` 
over tcp.
It also seems to unrelated to specific host.
All hosts are Ubuntu 12.04.1 LTS

mpirun -np 66 --hostfile /proj/SSA/Mellanox/tmp//20140810_070156_hostfile.txt 
--mca btl tcp,self hostname
[nodename] [[4452,0],65] ORTE_ERROR_LOG: Error in file 
base/ess_base_std_orted.c at line 288

It looks like environment issue, but I can't find any limit related.
Any ideas ?
Lenny Verkhovsky
SW Engineer,  Mellanox Technologies

Office:    +972 74 712 9244
Mobile:  +972 54 554 0233
Fax:        +972 72 257 9400

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