Not really "removed" - say rather "renamed". The PLPA system was replaced by 
HWLOC starting with the 1.7 series. The binding directives were replaced with 
--bind-to <x> options as they became much more fine-grained than before - you 
can bind all the way do the hardware thread level.

If you don't want to bind at all, you now use --bind-to none

Memory affinity options are likewise now implemented as part of hwloc. You can 
see all these new params using ompi_info:

ompi_info --param hwloc all --level 9

               MCA hwloc: parameter "hwloc" (current value: "", data source:
                          default, level: 2 user/detail, type: string)
                          Default selection set of components for the hwloc
                          framework (<none> means use all components that can
                          be found)
               MCA hwloc: parameter "hwloc_base_verbose" (current value: "0",
                          data source: default, level: 8 dev/detail, type:
                          Verbosity level for the hwloc framework (0 = no
               MCA hwloc: parameter "hwloc_base_mem_alloc_policy" (current
                          value: "none", data source: default, level: 9
                          dev/all, type: int)
                          General memory allocations placement policy (this
                          is not memory binding). "none" means that no memory
                          policy is applied. "local_only" means that a
                          process' memory allocations will be restricted to
                          its local NUMA node. If using direct launch, this
                          policy will not be in effect until after MPI_INIT.
                          Note that operating system paging policies are
                          unaffected by this setting. For example, if
                          "local_only" is used and local NUMA node memory is
                          exhausted, a new memory allocation may cause
                          Valid values: 0:"none", 1:"local_only"
               MCA hwloc: parameter "hwloc_base_mem_bind_failure_action"
                          (current value: "warn", data source: default,
                          level: 9 dev/all, type: int)
                          What Open MPI will do if it explicitly tries to
                          bind memory to a specific NUMA location, and fails.
                           Note that this is a different case than the
                          general allocation policy described by
                          hwloc_base_alloc_policy.  A value of "silent" means
                          that Open MPI will proceed without comment. A value
                          of "warn" means that Open MPI will warn the first
                          time this happens, but allow the job to continue
                          (possibly with degraded performance).  A value of
                          "error" means that Open MPI will abort the job if
                          this happens.
                          Valid values: 0:"silent", 1:"warn", 2:"error"
               MCA hwloc: parameter "hwloc_base_binding_policy" (current
                          value: "", data source: default, level: 9 dev/all,
                          type: string)
                          Policy for binding processes. Allowed values: none,
                          hwthread, core, l1cache, l2cache, l3cache, socket,
                          numa, board ("none" is the default when
                          oversubscribed, "core" is the default when np<=2,
                          and "socket" is the default when np>2). Allowed
                          qualifiers: overload-allowed, if-supported
               MCA hwloc: parameter "hwloc_base_bind_to_core" (current value:
                          "false", data source: default, level: 9 dev/all,
                          type: bool)
                          Bind processes to cores
                          Valid values: 0: f|false|disabled, 1:
               MCA hwloc: parameter "hwloc_base_bind_to_socket" (current
                          value: "false", data source: default, level: 9
                          dev/all, type: bool)
                          Bind processes to sockets
                          Valid values: 0: f|false|disabled, 1:
               MCA hwloc: parameter "hwloc_base_report_bindings" (current
                          value: "false", data source: default, level: 9
                          dev/all, type: bool)
                          Report bindings to stderr
                          Valid values: 0: f|false|disabled, 1:
               MCA hwloc: parameter "hwloc_base_slot_list" (current value:
                          "", data source: default, level: 9 dev/all, type:
                          List of processor IDs to bind processes to
               MCA hwloc: parameter "hwloc_base_cpu_set" (current value: "",
                          data source: default, level: 9 dev/all, type:
                          Comma-separated list of ranges specifying logical
                          cpus allocated to this job [default: none]
               MCA hwloc: parameter "hwloc_base_use_hwthreads_as_cpus"
                          (current value: "false", data source: default,
                          level: 9 dev/all, type: bool)
                          Use hardware threads as independent cpus
                          Valid values: 0: f|false|disabled, 1:
               MCA hwloc: parameter "hwloc_base_topo_file" (current value:
                          "", data source: default, level: 9 dev/all, type:
                          Read local topology from file instead of directly
                          sensing it

On Sep 15, 2014, at 7:13 AM, Nick Papior Andersen <> wrote:

> Dear all
> maffinity, paffinity parameters have been removed since 1.7.
> For the uninitiated is this because it has been digested by the code so as 
> the code would automatically decide on these values?
> For instance I have always been using paffinity_alone=1 for single node jobs 
> with entire occupation.
> From what it seems, this is not necessary any more?
> Hence what does "removed" cover and are there anything that we as users 
> should take care of when having previously dealt with these parameters?
> I have tried searching the users-list, to no avail, and the NEWS file does 
> not cover it (simply says "removed").
> -- 
> Kind regards Nick
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