This is not a common use case because the LD_LIBRARY_PATH requirements for the 
orted and friends are the same as for the MPI executables.  So reducing the 
dependency requirements for the orted doesn't really buy you much.

However, you could probably do this manually:

# Build static executables
cd $srcdir
./configure --enable-static --disable-shared --prefix=$foo
make all install
cd $foo
# Save the static executables
tar cf $HOME/foo-bin.tar bin

# Build shared libs
cd $srcdir
rm -rf $foo
./configure --prefix=$foo
make all install

# Restore the static executables
cd $foo
tar xf $HOME/foo-bin.tar

(this is off the top of my head -- may not be entirely right)

On Oct 14, 2014, at 2:33 PM, John Marshall <> wrote:

> Hi,
> Perhaps I've missed something but is it possible to build openmpi (any 
> version) so that:
> * tools (e.g., orted) are statically linked
> * shared libs are built
> This would help avoid lib dependencies on orted at start up.
> Thanks,
> John
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