Ah, yes - so here is what is happening. When no slot info is provided, we use 
the number of detected cores on each node as the #slots. So if you want to 
loadbalance across the nodes, you need to set —map-by node

Or add slots=1 to each line of your host file to override the default behavior

> On Nov 7, 2014, at 8:52 AM, Blosch, Edwin L <edwin.l.blo...@lmco.com> wrote:
> Here’s my command:
> <path_to_OpenMPI_1.8.3>/bin/mpirun <unrelated MCA options> --machinefile 
> hosts.dat -np 4 <executable>
> Here’s my hosts.dat file:
> % cat hosts.dat
> node01
> node02
> node03
> node04
> All 4 ranks are launched on node01.  I don’t believe I’ve ever seen this 
> before.  I had to do a sanity check, so I tried MVAPICH2-2.1a and got what I 
> expected: 1 process runs on each of the 4 nodes.  The mpirun man page says 
> ‘round-robin’, which I take to mean that one process would be launched per 
> line in the hosts file, so this really seems like incorrect behavior.
> What could be the possibilities here?
> Thanks for the help!
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