
IIRC there is load balancing accros all the btl, for example
between vader and scif.
So load balancing between ib0 and eoib0 is just a particular case that might 
not necessarily be handled by the btl tcp.



Ralph Castain <rhc.open...@gmail.com> wrote:
>OMPI discovers all active interfaces and automatically considers them 
>available for its use unless instructed otherwise via the params. I’d have to 
>look at the TCP BTL code to see the loadbalancing algo - I thought we didn’t 
>have that “on” by default across BTLs, but I don’t know if the TCP one 
>automatically uses all available Ethernet interfaces by default. Sounds like 
>it must.
>> On Nov 7, 2014, at 11:53 AM, Brock Palen <bro...@umich.edu> wrote:
>> I was doing a test on our IB based cluster, where I was diabling IB
>> --mca btl ^openib --mca mtl ^mxm
>> I was sending very large messages >1GB  and I was surppised by the speed.
>> I noticed then that of all our ethernet interfaces
>> eth0  (1gig-e)
>> ib0  (ip over ib, for lustre configuration at vendor request)
>> eoib0  (ethernet over IB interface for IB -> Ethernet gateway for some 
>> extrnal storage support at >1Gig speed
>> I saw all three were getting traffic.
>> We use torque for our Resource Manager and use TM support, the hostnames 
>> given by torque match the eth0 interfaces.
>> How does OMPI figure out that it can also talk over the others?  How does it 
>> chose to load balance?
>> BTW that is fine, but we will use if_exclude on one of the IB ones as ib0 
>> and eoib0  are the same physical device and may screw with load balancing if 
>> anyone ver falls back to TCP.
>> Brock Palen
>> www.umich.edu/~brockp
>> CAEN Advanced Computing
>> XSEDE Campus Champion
>> bro...@umich.edu
>> (734)936-1985
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