Hi Jeff,

will you have the time to fix the Fortran problem for the new Oracle
Solaris Studio 12.4 compiler suite in openmpi-1.8.4?

tyr openmpi-1.8.4rc2-SunOS.sparc.64_cc 103 tail -15 log.make.SunOS.sparc.64_cc 
  PPFC     comm_compare_f08.lo
  PPFC     comm_connect_f08.lo
  PPFC     comm_create_errhandler_f08.lo

   fn = c_funloc(comm_errhandler_fn)
dler_f08.F90", Line = 22, Column = 18: ERROR: C_FUNLOC function argument must 
a procedure that is interoperable or a procedure pointer associated with an 
interoperable procedure.

Kind regards


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