Actually, you are not the first to encounter the problem with
'MPI_Type_indexed' for very large datatypes.  I also run with a 1.6
release, and solved the problem by switching to
'MPI_Type_Create_Hindexed' for the datatype.  The critical difference is
that the displacements for 'MPI_type_indexed' are type integer, i.e. 32
bit values, while for 'MPI_Type_Create_Hindexed' the displacements are
in bytes, but with type 'MPI_Address_Kind', i.e. normally 64 bit, and
therefore of effectively infinite size.  Otherwise the 2 'types' can be
used identically.

T. Rosmond

On Thu, 2015-03-05 at 12:31 -0500, George Bosilca wrote:
> Bogdan,
> As far as I can tell your code is correct, and the problem is coming
> from Open MPI. More specifically, I used alloca in the optimization
> stage in MPI_Type_commit, and as your arrays of length were too large,
> alloca failed and lead to a segfault. I fixed in the trunk (3c489ea),
> and this will get into our next release.
> Unfortunately there is no fix for the 1.6 that I can think of.
> Apparently, you are really the first that run into such kind of
> problems, so guess you are the first creating gigantic datatypes.
> Thanks for the bug report,
>   George.
> On Thu, Mar 5, 2015 at 9:09 AM, Bogdan Sataric
> <> wrote:
>         I've been having problems with my 3D matrix transpose program.
>         I'm using MPI_Type_indexed in order to allign specific blocks
>         that I want to send and receive across one or multiple nodes
>         of a cluster. Up to few days ago I was able to run my program
>         without any errors. However several test cases on the cluster
>         in last few days exposed segmentation fault when I try to form
>         indexed type on some specific matrix configurations.
>         The code that forms indexed type is as follows:
>         #include <stdio.h>
>         #include <stdlib.h>
>         #include <mpi.h>
>         int main(int argc, char **argv) {
>             int Nx = 800;
>             int Ny = 640;
>             int Nz = 480;
>             int gsize;
>             int i, j;
>             MPI_Init(&argc, &argv);                             
>             MPI_Comm_size(MPI_COMM_WORLD, &gsize);  
>             printf("GSIZE: %d\n", gsize);
>             MPI_Datatype double_complex_type;
>             MPI_Datatype block_send_complex_type; 
>             int * send_displ = (int *) malloc(Nx * Ny/gsize *
>         sizeof(int));
>             int * send_blocklen = (int *) malloc(Nx * Ny/gsize *
>         sizeof(int));
>             MPI_Type_contiguous(2, MPI_DOUBLE, &double_complex_type); 
>             MPI_Type_commit(&double_complex_type);
>             for (i = Ny/gsize - 1; i >= 0 ; i--) {     
>                 for (j = 0; j < Nx; j++) { 
>                     send_displ[(Ny/gsize - 1 - i) * Nx + j] = i * Nz +
>         j * Ny * Nz;  
>                     send_blocklen[(Ny/gsize - 1 - i) * Nx + j] = Nz;
>                 }
>             }
>             MPI_Type_indexed(Nx * Ny/gsize, send_blocklen, send_displ,
>         double_complex_type, &block_send_complex_type); 
>             MPI_Type_commit(&block_send_complex_type);
>             free(send_displ);
>             free(send_blocklen);
>             MPI_Finalize();
>         }
>         Values of the Nx, Ny and Nz respectively are 800, 640 and 480.
>         Value of gsize for this test was 1 (simulation of MPI program
>         on 1 node). The node has 32GB of RAM and no other memory has
>         been allocated (only this code has been run).
>         In code basically I'm creating double_complex_type to
>         represent complex number (2 contiguous MPI_DOUBLE) values. The
>         whole matrix has 800 * 640 * 480 of these values and I'm
>         trying to catch these values in the indexed type. One indexed
>         type block length is the whole Nz "rod" while ordering of
>         these "rods" in displacements array is given by the formula i
>         * Nz + j * Ny * Nz. Basically displacements start from top
>         row, and left column of the 3D matrix. Then I gradually sweep
>         to the right sight of that top row, then go to one row below
>         sweep to the right side and so on until the bottom row.
>         The strange thing is that this formula and algorithm WORK if I
>         put MPI_DOUBLE type instead of derived complex type (1 instead
>         of 2 in MPI_TYPE_CONTIGIOUS). Also this formula WORKS if I put
>         1 for Nz dimension instead of 480. However if I change Nz to
>         even 2 I get segmentation fault error in the MPI_Type_commit
>         call.
>         I checked all of the displacements and they seem fine. There
>         is no overlapping of displacements or going under 0 or over
>         extent of the formed indexed type. Also the size of the
>         datatype is below 4GB (which is I believe limit of MPI
>         datatypes (since MPI_Type_size function returns int * ). Also
>         I believe amount of memory is not an issue as even if I put Nz
>         to be 2, I get the same segmentation fault error, and the node
>         has 32GB of RAM just for this test.
>         What bothers me is that most of other indexed type
>         configurations (with plain MPI_DOUBLE type elements), or
>         complex type with smaller matrix (say 400 * 640 * 480) WORK
>         without segmentation fault. Also If I commit the indexed type
>         with MPI_DOUBLE type elements even larger matrices work (say
>         960 x 800 x 640) which have exactly the same type size as 800
>         x 640 x 480 complex indexed type (just under 4GB)! So
>         basically the type size is not an issue here, but somehow
>         either number of blocks, size of particular blocks, or size of
>         block elements create problems. I'm not sure weather there is
>         problem in implementation of OpenMPI or something in my code
>         is wrong...
>         I would greatly appreciate any help as I've been stuck on this
>         problem for days now and nothing in MPI documentation and the
>         examples I found on the internet is giving me a clue where the
>         error might be.
>         At the end I would like to say that code has been compiled
>         with Open-MPI version 1.6.5.
>         Thank you,
>         Bogdan Sataric
>         ----
>         Bogdan Sataric
>         email:
>         phone: +381 21-485-2441
>         Teaching & Research Assistant
>         Chair for Applied Computer Science
>         Faculty of Technical Sciences, Novi Sad, Serbia
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