Try adding —mca ras_base_verbose 10 to your cmd line and let’s see what it 
thinks it is doing. Which OMPI version are you using - master?

> On May 6, 2015, at 11:24 PM, Rahul Yadav <> wrote:
> Hi,
> We have been trying to run MPI jobs (consisting of two different binaries, 
> one each ) in two nodes,  using hostfile option as following
> mpirun --allow-run-as-root --mca pml yalla -n 1 --hostfile /root/host1 
> /root/app2 : -n 1 --hostfile /root/host2 /root/backend
> We are doing this in chroot environment. We have set the HPCX env in 
> chroot'ed environment itself. /root/host1 and /root/host2 (inside chroot env) 
> contains IPs of two nodes respectively.
> We are getting following error
> " all nodes which are allocated for this job are already filled "
> However when we use chroot but don't use hostfile option (both processes run 
> in same node) OR we use hostfile option but outside chroot, it works.
> Anyone has any idea if chroot can cause above error and how to solve it ?
> Thanks
> Rahul
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