Hi Xing,

iirc, open MPI default behavior is to bind to cores (vs hyperthreads),
hence the error message.

I cannot remember the option to bind to threads, but you can mpirun
--oversubscribe if you are currently stuck



On Sunday, May 24, 2015, XingFENG <xingf...@cse.unsw.edu.au> wrote:

> Hi, OPENMPI users,
> I have met some problem while doing experiments on Amazon EC2. I have
> chosen instance type r3.2xlarge. As amazon claimed, it has 8 vcpu. Each
> vCPU is a hyperthread of an Intel Xeon core for M3, C4, C3, R3, HS1, G2,
> I2, and D2. (from *https://aws.amazon.com/ec2/instance-types/
> <https://aws.amazon.com/ec2/instance-types/>)*
> However, when I try to run experiments on 4 machines, each with 8 slots.
> OPENMPI reminds me that I am oversubscribing.
> Does anyone know the reason? Thanks in advance!
> --
> Best Regards.
> ---
> Xing FENG
> PhD Candidate
> Database Research Group
> School of Computer Science and Engineering
> University of New South Wales
> NSW 2052, Sydney
> Phone: (+61) 413 857 288

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