Below is from ompi_info:

$ ompi_info --all | grep btl_openib_receive
                 MCA btl: parameter "btl_openib_receive_queues" (current value: 
 data source: default value)

This tunning does make sense for me.

#    receive_queues = P,128,256,192,128:S,65536,256,192,128

Most likely it was not updated for a long time.
I'm pretty sure the ompi_info version is the one that actually used.

So comparing the two above, they don’t coincide, in particular for the SRQ 
settings.  Thus, I gather the settings reported by ompi_info above are those 
that are actually used, and if so, I am wondering where/how they are derived?

The idea behind this parameters is coming from here:
And later on XRC support was introduced:


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