Hmmm….I haven’t heard of that specific use-case, but I have seen some similar 
things. Did you want the processes to be paused, or killed, when you scale 
down? Obviously, I’m assuming they are not MPI procs, yes?

I can certainly see a way to make mpirun do it without too much fuss, though it 
would require a message as opposed to a signal so you can indicate how many 
procs to “idle/kill”.

> On Mar 17, 2016, at 3:22 PM, Andrus, Brian Contractor <> 
> wrote:
> All,
> I have an mpi-based program that has a master process that acts as a ‘traffic 
> cop’ in that it hands out work to child processes.
> I want to be able to dynamically throttle how many child processes are in use 
> at any given time.
> For instance, if I start it with “mpirun -n 512” I could send a signal to 
> tell it to only use 256 of them for a bit and then tell it to scale back up. 
> The upper limit being the number of processes mpirun was launched with.
> Has anyone done anything like this? Maybe a better way to do it?
> Basically my program is crunching through a large text file, examining each 
> line for various things.
> Thanks in advance for any insight,
> Brian Andrus
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