Hi Gus

Thanks for your suggestion. But I am not using any resource manager (i.e. I
am launching mpirun from the bash shell.). In fact, both of the two
clusters I talked about run CentOS 7 and I launch the job the same way on
both of these, yet one of them creates standard core files and the other
creates the 'btr; files. Strange thing is, I could not find anything on the
.btr (= Backtrace?) files on Google, which is any I asked on this forum.

Best regards

The surgeon general advises you to eat right, exercise regularly and quit

On Mon, May 9, 2016 at 12:04 PM, Gus Correa <g...@ldeo.columbia.edu> wrote:

> Hi Durga
> Just in case ...
> If you're using a resource manager to start the jobs (Torque, etc),
> you need to have them set the limits (for coredump size, stacksize, locked
> memory size, etc).
> This way the jobs will inherit the limits from the
> resource manager daemon.
> On Torque (which I use) I do this on the pbs_mom daemon
> init script (I am still before the systemd era, that lovely POS).
> And set the hard/soft limits on /etc/security/limits.conf as well.
> I hope this helps,
> Gus Correa
> On 05/07/2016 12:27 PM, Jeff Squyres (jsquyres) wrote:
>> I'm afraid I don't know what a .btr file is -- that is not something that
>> is controlled by Open MPI.
>> You might want to look into your OS settings to see if it has some kind
>> of alternate corefile mechanism...?
>> On May 6, 2016, at 8:58 PM, dpchoudh . <dpcho...@gmail.com> wrote:
>>> Hello all
>>> I run MPI jobs (for test purpose only) on two different 'clusters'. Both
>>> 'clusters' have two nodes only, connected back-to-back. The two are very
>>> similar, but not identical, both software and hardware wise.
>>> Both have ulimit -c set to unlimited. However, only one of the two
>>> creates core files when an MPI job crashes. The other creates a text file
>>> named something like
>>> <program_name_that_crashed>.80s-<a-number-that-looks-like-a-PID>,<hostname-where-the-crash-happened>.btr
>>> I'd much prefer a core file because that allows me to debug with a lot
>>> more options than a static text file with addresses. How do I get a core
>>> file in all situations? I am using MPI source from the master branch.
>>> Thanks in advance
>>> Durga
>>> The surgeon general advises you to eat right, exercise regularly and
>>> quit ageing.
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