Note this is just a workaround, this simply disables the mxm mtl (e.g. Mellanox optimized infiniband driver).

basically, there are two ways to run a single task mpi program (a.out)

- mpirun -np 1 ./a.out (this is the "standard" way)

- ./a.out (aka singleton mode)

the logs you posted do not specify how the test was launch (e.g. with or without mpirun)

bottom line, if you hit a singleton limitation (e.g. mxm/mtl is not working in singleton mode), then you can simply

mpirun -np <n> a.out

your Rmpi applications, and this should be just fine.

if not, you need to

export OMPI_MCA_pml=ob1

regardless you are using mpirun or not.

/* and for the sake of completion, if you are using mpirun, an equivalent option is to

mpirun --mca pml ob1 ...




On 7/12/2016 1:34 AM, pan yang wrote:
Dear Gilles,

I tried export OMPI_MCA_pml=ob1, and it worked! Thank you very much for your brilliant suggestion.

By the way, I don't really understand what do you mean by '/can you also extract the command tha launch the test ?/'...


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