On Fri, Aug 19, 2016 at 2:55 PM, Jeff Squyres (jsquyres) <jsquy...@cisco.com
> wrote:

> On Aug 19, 2016, at 2:30 PM, Matt Thompson <fort...@gmail.com> wrote:
> >
> > I'm slowly trying to learn and transition to 'use mpi_f08'. So, I'm
> writing various things and I noticed that this triggers an error:
> >
> > program hello_world
> >    use mpi_f08
> >    implicit none
> >    type(MPI_Comm) :: comm = MPI_COMM_NULL
> > end program hello_world
> >
> > when compiled (Open MPI 2.0.0 with GCC 6.1):
> >
> > (380) $ mpifort test1.F90
> > test1.F90:7:27:
> >
> >     type(MPI_Comm) :: comm = MPI_COMM_NULL
> >                            1
> > Error: Parameter ‘mpi_comm_null’ at (1) has not been declared or is a
> variable, which does not reduce to a constant expression
> >
> > Why is that? Obviously, I can just do:
> >
> >    type(MPI_Comm) :: comm
> >    comm = MPI_COMM_NULL
> >
> > and that works just fine (note MPI_COMM_NULL doesn't seem to be special
> as MPI_COMM_WORLD triggers the same error).
> I am *not* a Fortran expert, but I believe the difference between the two
> is:
> 1. The first one is a compile-time assignment.  And you can only do those
> with constants.  MPI_COMM_NULL is not a compile-time constant, hence, you
> get an error.
> 2. The second one is a run-time assignment.  You can do that between any
> compatible entities, and so that works.

Okay. This makes sense. I guess I was surprised that MPI_COMM_NULL wasn't a
constant (or parameter, I guess). But maybe a type() cannot be constant...

> > I'm just wondering why the first doesn't work, for my own edification. I
> tried reading through the Standard, but my eyes started watering after a
> bit (though that might have been the neon green cover). Is it related to
> the fact that when one declares:
> >
> >    type(MPI_Comm) :: comm
> >
> > that the comm == MPI_COMM_WORLD evaluates to .TRUE.? I discovered that
> once when I was printing some stuff.
> That might well be a coincidence.  type(MPI_Comm) is not a boolean type,
> so I'm not sure how you compared it to .true.

Well, I made a program like:

(208) $ cat test2.F90
program whoami
   use mpi_f08
   implicit none
   type(MPI_Comm) :: comm
   if (comm == MPI_COMM_WORLD) write (*,*) "I am MPI_COMM_WORLD"
   if (comm == MPI_COMM_NULL) write (*,*) "I am MPI_COMM_NULL"
end program whoami
(209) $ mpifort test2.F90
(210) $ mpirun -np 4 ./a.out

I think if you print comm, you get 0 and MPI_COMM_WORLD=0 and
MPI_COMM_NULL=2 so...I guess I'm surprised. I'd have thought MPI_Comm would
have been undefined until defined. Instead you can write a program like

(226) $ cat helloWorld.mpi3.F90
program hello_world

   use mpi_f08

   implicit none

   type(MPI_Comm) :: comm
   integer :: myid, npes, ierror
   integer :: name_length

   character(len=MPI_MAX_PROCESSOR_NAME) :: processor_name

   call mpi_init(ierror)

   call MPI_Comm_Rank(comm,myid,ierror)
   write (*,*) 'ierror: ', ierror
   call MPI_Comm_Size(comm,npes,ierror)
   call MPI_Get_Processor_Name(processor_name,name_length,ierror)

   write (*,'(A,X,I4,X,A,X,I4,X,A,X,A)') "Process", myid, "of", npes, "is
on", trim(processor_name)

   call MPI_Finalize(ierror)

end program hello_world
(227) $ mpifort helloWorld.mpi3.F90
(228) $ mpirun -np 4 ./a.out
 ierror:            0
 ierror:            0
 ierror:            0
 ierror:            0
Process    2 of    4 is on compy
Process    1 of    4 is on compy
Process    3 of    4 is on compy
Process    0 of    4 is on compy

This seems odd to me. I haven't passed in MPI_COMM_WORLD as the
communicator to MPI_Comm_Rank, and yet, it worked and the error code was 0
(which I'd take as success). Even if you couldn't detect this at compile
time, I'm surprised it doesn't trigger a run-time error.  Is this the
correct behavior according to the Standard?


Matt Thompson
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