On Mar 24, 2017, at 6:10 PM, Reuti <re...@staff.uni-marburg.de> wrote:
>> - Disabling HT in the BIOS means that the one hardware thread left in each 
>> core will get all the cores resources (buffers, queues, processor units, 
>> etc.).
>> - Enabling HT in the BIOS means that each of the 2 hardware threads will 
>> statically be allocated roughly half the core's resources (buffers, queues, 
>> processor units, etc.).
> Do you have a reference for the two topics above (sure, I will try next week 
> on my own)? My knowledge was, that there is no dedicated HT core, and using 
> all cores will not give the result that the real cores get N x 100%, plus the 
> HT ones N x 50% (or alike). But the scheduler inside the CPU will balance the 
> resources between the double face of a single core and both are equal.

I'm not quite sure I can parse your above statements.

I should be clear: I was referring to Intel server core processors.  It may be 
the same across all the Intel core processors, but I do not have direct 
knowledge of that.

I'm afraid I don't have specific citations; you'll just have to look in the 
Intel docs.  In addition to what Tim said, I should note that a core is just a 
collection of resources.  When you enable HT, a) there's 2 hardware threads 
active, and b) most of the resources in the core are effectively split in half 
and assigned to each hardware thread.  When you disable HT, a) there's only 1 
hardware thread, and b) the resources of the core are allocated to that one 
hardware thread.

I'm speaking in generalities; go read the Intel docs for more specifics.

> My personal experience is, that it depends not only application, but also on 
> the way how you oversubscribe.


Jeff Squyres

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