Greeting Open MPI users! After being off this list for several years, I'm back! And I need help:

I'm trying to compile OpenMPI 1.10.3 with the PGI compilers, version 17.3. I'm using the following configure options:

./configure \
  --prefix=/usr/pppl/pgi/17.3-pkgs/openmpi-1.10.3 \
  --disable-silent-rules \
  --enable-shared \
  --enable-static \
  --enable-mpi-thread-multiple \
  --with-pmi=/usr/pppl/slurm/15.08.8 \
  --with-hwloc \
  --with-verbs \
  --with-slurm \
  --with-psm \
  CC=pgcc \
  CFLAGS="-tp x64 -fast" \
  CXX=pgc++ \
  CXXFLAGS="-tp x64 -fast" \
  FC=pgfortran \
  FCFLAGS="-tp x64 -fast" \
  2>&1 | tee configure.log

Which leads to this error  from libtool during make:

pgcc-Error-Unknown switch: -pthread

I've searched the archives, which ultimately lead to this work around from 2009:

Interestingly, I participated in the discussion that lead to that workaround, stating that I had no problem compiling Open MPI with PGI v9. I'm assuming the problem now is that I'm specifying --enable-mpi-thread-multiple, which I'm doing because a user requested that feature.

It's been exactly 8 years and 2 days since that workaround was posted to the list. Please tell me a better way of dealing with this issue than writing a 'fakepgf90' script. Any suggestions?


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