          I found a thread with Intel MPI(although I am using gfortran
4.8.5 and OpenMPI 2.1.1) -
but the error the OP gets is the same as mine

*** glibc detected *** ./a.out: double free or corruption (!prev):
0x00007fc6d0000c80 ***
04 ======= Backtrace: =========
05 /lib64/libc.so.6[0x3411e75e66]

So the explanation given in that post is this -
"From their examination our Development team concluded the underlying
problem with openmpi 1.8.6 resulted from mixing out-of-date/incompatible
Fortran RTLs. In short, there were older static Fortran RTL bodies
incorporated in the openmpi library that when mixed with newer Fortran RTL
led to the failure. They found the issue is resolved in the newer
openmpi-1.10.1rc2 and recommend resolving requires using a newer openmpi
release with our 15.0 (or newer) release." Could this be possible with my
version as well ?

I am willing to debug this provided I am given some clue on how to approach
my problem. At the moment I am unable to proceed further and the only thing
I can add is I ran tests with the sequential form of my application and it
is much slower although I am using shared memory and all the cores are in
the same machine.

Best regards,

On Tue, Jun 13, 2017 at 5:52 PM, ashwin .D <winas...@gmail.com> wrote:

> Also when I try to build and run a make check I get these errors - Am I
> clear to proceed or is my installation broken ? This is on Ubuntu 16.04
> LTS.
> ==================================================
>    Open MPI 2.1.1: test/datatype/test-suite.log
> ==================================================
> # TOTAL: 9
> # PASS:  8
> # SKIP:  0
> # XFAIL: 0
> # FAIL:  1
> # XPASS: 0
> # ERROR: 0
> .. contents:: :depth: 2
> FAIL: external32
> ================
> /home/t/openmpi-2.1.1/test/datatype/.libs/lt-external32: symbol lookup
> error: /home/openmpi-2.1.1/test/datatype/.libs/lt-external32: undefined
> symbol: ompi_datatype_pack_external_size
> FAIL external32 (exit status:
> On Tue, Jun 13, 2017 at 5:24 PM, ashwin .D <winas...@gmail.com> wrote:
>> Hello,
>>           I am using OpenMPI 2.0.0 with a computational fluid dynamics
>> software and I am encountering a series of errors when running this with
>> mpirun. This is my lscpu output
>> CPU(s):                4
>> On-line CPU(s) list:   0-3
>> Thread(s) per core:    2
>> Core(s) per socket:    2
>> Socket(s):             1 and I am running OpenMPI's mpirun in the following
>> way
>> mpirun -np 4  cfd_software
>> and I get double free or corruption every single time.
>> I have two questions -
>> 1) I am unable to capture the standard error that mpirun throws in a file
>> How can I go about capturing the standard error of mpirun ?
>> 2) Has this error i.e. double free or corruption been reported by others ? 
>> Is there a Is a
>> bug fix available ?
>> Regards,
>> Ashwin.
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