All your processes send their data to a single destination, in same time.
Clearly you are reaching the capacity of your network and your data
transfers will be bound by this. This is a physical constraint that you can
only overcome by adding network capacity to your cluster.

At the software level only possibility is to make each of the p slave
processes send their data to your centralize resource at different time, so
that the data has the time to be transferred through the network before the
next slave is ready to submit it's result.


On Thu, Sep 21, 2017 at 4:57 PM, saiyedul islam <>

> Hi all,
> I am working on parallelization of a Data Clustering Algorithm in which I
> am following MPMD pattern of MPI (i.e. 1 master process and p slave
> processes in same communicator). It is an iterative algorithm where 2 loops
> inside iteration are separately parallelized.
> The first loop is parallelized by partitioning the N size input data into
> (almost) equal parts between p slaves. Each slave produces a contiguous
> chunk of about (p * N/p) double values as result of its local processing.
> This local chunk from each slave is collected back on master process where
> it is merged with chunks from other slaves.
> If a blocking call (MPI_Send / Recv) is put in a loop on master such that
> it receives the data one by one in order of their rank from slaves, then
> each slave takes about 75 seconds for its local computation (as calculated
> by MPI_Wtime() ) and about 1.5 seconds for transferring its chunk to
> master. But, as the transfer happens in order, by the time last slave
> process is done, the total time becomes 75 seconds for computation and 50
> seconds for communication.
> These timings are for a cluster of 31 machines where a single process
> executes in each machine. All these machines are connected directly via a
> private Gigabit network switch. In order to be effectively parallelize the
> algorithm, the overall execution time needs to come below 80 seconds.
> I have tried following strategies to solve this problem:
> 0. Ordered transfer, as explained above.
> 1. Collecting data through MPI_Gatherv and assuming that internally it
> will transfer data in parallel.
> 2. Creating p threads at master using OpenMP and calling MPI_Recv (or
> MPI_Irecv with MPI_Wait) by threads. The received data by each process is
> put in a separate buffer. My installation support MPI_THREAD_MULTIPLE.
> The problem is that strategies 1 & 2 are taking almost similar time as
> compared to strategy 0.
> *Is there a way through which I can receive data in parallel and
> substantially decrease the overall execution time?*
> Hoping to get your help soon. Sorry for the long question.
> Regards,
> Saiyedul Islam
> PS: Specifications of the cluster: GCC 5.10, OpenMP 2.0.1, CentOS 6.5 (as
> part of Rockscluster).
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