On Nov 29, 2017, at 4:51 PM, Vanzo, Davide <davide.va...@vanderbilt.edu> wrote:
> Although tempting, changing the version of OpenMPI would mean a significant 
> amount of changes in our software stack.


FWIW: the only differences between 1.10.3 and 1.10.7 were bug fixes (including, 
I'm assuming -- I haven't tested myself -- this -L issue).  Hypothetically, it 
should be a fairly painless upgrade.

> Hence I would like to find out what the problem is and hopefully its solution.
> Where is the -L/usr/lib64 injected? Is there a way to patch the code so that 
> it does not get added to the list of options to gfortran?

It's injected pretty deep inside configure.

We might be able to spelunk through the git logs to find the commit that fixes 
this issue and you could apply that as a patch, but it might be easier to just 
manually patch up the wrapper compiler data file after the build.

Specifically, it looks like OMPI 1.10.3 is installing faulty values 
$prefix/share/openmpi/*-wrapper-data.txt.  You can easily edit these files 
directly and remove the erroneous -L/usr/lib64.  If you're unable to upgrade to 
1.10.7, patching the installed *-wrapper-data.txt files is probably your best 

Jeff Squyres

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