There are a couple of problems here. First the “^tcp,self,sm” is telling OMPI 
to turn off all three of those transports, which probably leaves you with 
nothing. What you really want is to restrict to shared memory, so your param 
should be “-mca btl self,sm”. This will disable all transports other than 
shared memory - note that you always must enable the “self” btl.

Second, you likely also need to ensure that the OOB isn’t trying to use tcp, so 
add “-mca oob ^tcp” to your cmd line. It shouldn’t be active anyway, but better 

> On Feb 26, 2018, at 9:14 AM, Michael A. Saverino 
> <> wrote:
> I am running the v-1.10.7 OMPI package that is available via the Cygwin
> package manager.  I have a requirement to run my OMPI application
> standalone on a Windows/Cygwin system without any network connectivity. 
> If my OMPI system is not connected to the network, I get the following
> errors when I try to run my OMPI application:
> [SAXM4WIN:02124] [[20996,1],0] tcp_peer_send_blocking: send() to socket
> 12 failed: Transport endpoint is not connected (128)
> [SAXM4WIN:02124] [[20996,1],0] tcp_peer_send_blocking: send() to socket
> 12 failed: Transport endpoint is not connected (128)
> I have tried the following qualifiers in my OMPI command to no avail:
> --mca btl ^tcp,self,sm
> So the question is, am I able to disable TCP networking, either via
> command line or code, if I only plan to use cores on a single machine
> for OMPI execution?
> Many Thanks,
> Mike...
> -- 
> Michael A.Saverino
> Contractor 
> Senior Engineer, Information Technology Division
> Code 5522
> Naval Research Laboratory 
> W (202)767-5652
> C (814)242-0217
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