
Distro: RHEL-7 (7.4)
SLURM: 16.05.11
PMIx: 1.1.5

Trying to build OpenMPI 3.0.0 for our RHEL7 systems but running into what might 
be a configure script issue more than a real incompatibility problem.  
Configuring with the following,

   --with-slurm=/opt/slurm --with-pmix=/opt/pmix 
--with-external-libpmix=/opt/pmix/lib64 --with-libevent=/usr 

It seems happy enough with PMIx and there appears to be PMIx 1.x support.  
However, libevent is another issue and my take so far is that the EL7 native 
libevent-devel-2.0.x is the crux of the problem.  It doesn’t seem like the 
configure script expects that and I’m a little reluctant to start patching 
things together with symlinks or configure script changes.

My real question is what is intended?   Should this be working or was 3.0.0 
really intended for PMIx 2.x?  I imagine we will go to PMIx 2.x with SLURM 17 
but aren’t quite ready for that yet.


Charlie Taylor
UF Research Computing

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