On Mar 29, 2018, at 11:19 AM, Quentin Faure <quentin...@hotmail.fr> wrote:
> I would like to use openmpi with a software called LAMMPS. I know it is 
> possible when compiling the software to indicate it to use it with openmpi. 
> However when I do that I have a warning message telling me that the linkage 
> could not have been done (I specified the path for openmpi library and name 
> like it is done in LAMMPS manual).

What error message are you getting?

> I tried to reinstall openmpi in two different ways (following the advices of 
> people that had LAMMPS and openmpi works together) but it still does not 
> work. Also I don’t know if this is part of my problem or not but, the option 
> —showme does not work (command: mpicc —showme).

What error message are you getting?  It's quite possible that you're using a 
different mpicc (e.g., from a different MPI installation on your same machine), 
and not using the mpicc from the Open MPI that you just installed.

Can you send all the information listed here: 

Jeff Squyres

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