Also my inner voice is shouting that there must be an easy way to express
this in Julia

OK, these are not the same stepwise cumulative operatiosn that you want,
but the idea is close.

ps. Note to self - stop listening to the voices.

On 2 May 2018 at 14:08, John Hearns <> wrote:

> Peter,  how large are your models, ie how many cells in each direction?
> Something inside of me is shouting that if the models are small enough
> then MPI is not the way here.
> Assuming use of a Xeon processor there should be some AVX instructions
> which can do this.
> This is rather out of date, but is it helpful?
> ttps://
> supports-horizontal-cumulative-sum-Prefix-sum-as-a-single-instruction
> On 2 May 2018 at 13:56, Peter Kjellström <> wrote:
>> On Wed, 2 May 2018 11:15:09 +0200
>> Pierre Gubernatis <> wrote:
>> > Hello all...
>> >
>> > I am using a *cartesian grid* of processors which represents a spatial
>> > domain (a cubic geometrical domain split into several smaller
>> > cubes...), and I have communicators to address the procs, as for
>> > example a comm along each of the 3 axes I,J,K, or along a plane
>> > IK,JK,IJ, etc..).
>> >
>> > *I need to cumulate a scalar value (SCAL) through the procs which
>> > belong to a given axis* (let's say the K axis, defined by I=J=0).
>> >
>> > Precisely, the origin proc 0-0-0 has a given value for SCAL (say
>> > SCAL000). I need to update the 'following' proc (0-0-1) by doing SCAL
>> > = SCAL + SCAL000, and I need to *propagate* this updating along the K
>> > axis. At the end, the last proc of the axis should have the total sum
>> > of SCAL over the axis. (and of course, at a given rank k along the
>> > axis, the SCAL value = sum over 0,1,   K of SCAL)
>> >
>> > Please, do you see a way to do this ? I have tried many things (with
>> > MPI_SENDRECV and by looping over the procs of the axis, but I get
>> > deadlocks that prove I don't handle this correctly...)
>> > Thank you in any case.
>> Why did you try SENDRECV? As far as I understand your description above
>> data only flows one direction (along K)?
>> There is no MPI collective to support the kind of reduction you
>> describe but it should not be hard to do using normal SEND and RECV.
>> Something like (simplified psuedo code):
>> if (not_first_along_K)
>>  MPI_RECV(SCAL_tmp, previous)
>>  SCAL += SCAL_tmp
>> if (not_last_along_K)
>>  MPI_SEND(SCAL, next)
>> /Peter K
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