
I've tried both gcc-8.1.0 and AOCC-2.0 compilers with openmpi-3.1.1. It
fails for both the compilers.

Posted error message was from OpenMPI-3.1.1 + AOCC-2.0 compiler.

To cross-check whether it is problem with OpenMPI or the base compiler,
compiled the same application with Intel MPI using base compiler as (1)
intel & (2) gcc. It works for both case.


On Mon, Aug 19, 2019 at 3:25 PM Gilles Gouaillardet via users <
users@lists.open-mpi.org> wrote:

> One more thing ...
> Your initial message mentioned a failure with gcc 8.2.0, but your
> follow-up message mentions LLVM compiler.
> So which compiler did you use to build Open MPI that fails to build your
> test ?
> Cheers,
> Gilles
> On Mon, Aug 19, 2019 at 6:49 PM Gilles Gouaillardet
> <gilles.gouaillar...@gmail.com> wrote:
> >
> > Thanks,
> >
> > and your reproducer is ?
> >
> > Cheers,
> >
> > Gilles
> >
> > On Mon, Aug 19, 2019 at 6:42 PM Sangam B via users
> > <users@lists.open-mpi.org> wrote:
> > >
> > > Hi,
> > >
> > > OpenMPI is configured as follows:
> > >
> > > export CC=`which clang`
> > > export CXX=`which clang++`
> > > export FC=`which flang`
> > > export F90=`which flang`
> > >
> > > ../configure --prefix=/sw/openmpi/3.1.1/aocc20hpcx210-mpifort
> --enable-mpi-fortran --enable-mpi-cxx --without-psm --without-psm2
> --without-knem --without-libfabric --without-lsf --with-verbs=/usr
> --with-mxm=/sw/hpcx/hpcx-v2.1.0-gcc-MLNX_OFED_LINUX-4.3-
> > >
> > >
> > > ..
> > >
> > > On Mon, Aug 19, 2019 at 2:43 PM Sangam B <forum....@gmail.com> wrote:
> > >>
> > >> Hi,
> > >>
> > >> I get following error if the application is compiled with
> openmpi-3.1.1:
> > >>
> > >> mpifort -O3 -march=native -funroll-loops -finline-aggressive -flto
> -J./bin/obj_amd64aocc20 -std=f2008 -O3 -march=native -funroll-loops
> -finline-aggressive -flto -fallow-fortran-gnu-ext -ffree-form
> -fdefault-real-8 example_program.F90
> > >> F90-S-0155-Could not resolve generic procedure mpi_irecv (
> example_program.F90  : 97)
> > >>   0 inform,   0 warnings,   1 severes, 0 fatal for recv
> > >>
> > >> Following is the line causing this error:
> > >>
> > >> call MPI_Irecv(this%bf(:,:,1:cs3),size,MPI_COMPLEX_TYPE,&
> > >>             this%nrank,this%tag,this%comm_xvw,this%request,ierr)
> > >>
> > >> The program has following module mentioned in the beginning:
> > >>  use mpi
> > >>
> > >> The openmpi has following module files in lib folder:
> > >> $ ls *.mod
> > >> mpi_ext.mod            mpi_f08_ext.mod
>  mpi_f08_interfaces.mod  mpi_f08_types.mod  pmpi_f08_interfaces.mod
> > >> mpi_f08_callbacks.mod  mpi_f08_interfaces_callbacks.mod  mpi_f08.mod
>            mpi.mod
> > >>
> > >> The same program works with Intel MPI (gcc/intel as base compilers).
> > >> But fails with OpenMPI, whether gcc-8.1.0 or AOCC are used as base
> compilers. What could be the reason for it?
> > >>
> > >> ..
> > >
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> > > users mailing list
> > > users@lists.open-mpi.org
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